ABS statement on report of a complaint to Australian Human Rights Commission

Media Statement

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is aware of the report of a complaint expected to be lodged with the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) in relation to the 2021 Census.

The ABS is committed to ensuring everyone in Australia can participate in the Census and help us to deliver high quality data for our communities. The ABS is disappointed to hear about the reported concern and is keen to work with the individual and organisations involved.

The ABS will provide full support to the AHRC in relation to any complaint and seek a resolution with concerned parties.

The Government of the day determines the topics that are included in each Census.

The ABS worked with key data users and stakeholders across many topics in the development of the 2021 Census questions. This included peak bodies representing LGBTIQ+ communities and testing of the questions with members of these communities.

In late 2022, the ABS will commence consultation on what topics to include in the 2026 Census. The ABS will engage with the public and stakeholders, including LGBTIQ+ communities, to understand data needs and test any proposed changes.

ABS’ recommendations on 2026 Census topics will be submitted to the Australian Government in 2024 for their decision.

For media requests and interviews, contact ABS Media at media@abs.gov.au or call 1300 175 070.