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New questions for the 2024 Census Test

Released: 13/09/2024

The ABS planned to undertake a public test in September 2024. This test was to include potential new topics and changes to questions being considered for the 2026 Census. 

A copy of the 2024 Census Test paper form is provided below.

The ABS had decided to include three new questions in the September 2024 Census Test. These questions were selected following public consultation and the ABS assessment of the public value of this data. More information on the value of this data can be found in The value of collecting LGBTIQ+ data in the Census.

2024 Test gender question

Image shows extract of the 2024 Census Test paper form gender question

2024 Test variations of sex characteristics question

Image shows extract of 2024 Census Test paper form variations of sex characteristics question.

2024 Test sexual orientation question

Image shows extract of 2024 Census Test paper form sexual orientation question

On 26 August, the Australian Statistician announced that the Census Test would not proceed. See ABS media statement

On 8 September, Assistant Minister Leigh announced that the Government had decided to include a new topic of ‘sexual orientation and gender’ in the 2026 Census. The ABS will conduct additional testing and further refine the questions for this topic. 

The final questions for the 2026 Census will be published on the ABS website in 2025.

More information on the topic review process can be found in 2026 Census topic review: Phase two directions.  

More information on testing can be found in 2026 Census content testing program.

See Testing of questions on gender, sexual orientation and variations of sex characteristics for further information on the testing of these questions. 

While the testing of variations of sex characteristics had not given the ABS confidence that this question would collect high quality data, this question was included in the September Test form in case the Government chose to include this topic in the 2026 Census.

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