Valuables | Produced assets that are not used primarily for purposes of production or consumption, but are held as stores of value over time.
Reference: Australian System of Government Finance Statistics: Concepts, Sources and Methods. cat. no. 5514.0.55.001.
Value of building and engineering work done during the period
| Represents the estimated value of work carried out during the quarter on jobs which have commenced.
Reference: Building Activity, Australia. cat. no. 8750.0. |
Value of building work done | Includes the costs of materials fixed in place, labour, and architects fees. It excludes the value of land and landscaping and non-building components such as fencing, paving, roadworks, tennis courts, outdoor pools and car parks.
Reference: Building Activity, Australia. cat. no. 8750.0.
Value of engineering work done | The value of engineering work done for the private sector consists of the value of work done on prime contracts, plus speculative contracts, plus work done on own account. The value of engineering work done for the public sector is the work done by the organisation's own workforce and subcontractors. In each case, the value excludes the cost of land and repair and maintenance activity, as well as the value of any transfers of existing assets, the value of installed machinery and equipment not integral to the structure and the expenses for relocation of utility services. However, a contract for the installation of machinery and equipment which is an integral part of a construction project is included.
Reference: Building Activity, Australia. cat. no. 8750.0.
Vineyards, orchards and other plantations of trees yielding repeat products | Vineyards, orchards and other plantations of trees yielding repeat products comprise trees (including vines and shrubs) cultivated for products that they yield year after year, including those cultivated for fruits and nuts, for sap and resin, and for bark and leaf products.
Reference: Australian National Accounts: Concepts, Sources and Methods. cat. no. 5216.0.
Volume measures | See Chain volume measures. |