Listing of psychosocial risk factor ICD-10 codes with inclusions and exclusions

Psychosocial risk factors as they relate to deaths in Australia



This article contains a list of psychosocial codes from the International Classification of Disease 10th Revision (ICD-10) which have been used as the framework to identify and apply psychosocial risk factors to mortality coding. These codes have been taken from Chapter 21 Factors Influencing Health Status and Contact with Health Services of the ICD-10. It represents an update to the list that was previously published in the research paper Psychosocial risk factors as they relate to coroner referred deaths in Australia


From 2017 the ABS has been including coded information on psychosocial risk factors to the National Mortality Dataset (NMD). Psychosocial risks are psychological, social and environmental factors which may adversely influence an individual's health status. Inclusion of psychosocial risk factors on the NMD enhanced the dataset as this information provides more insights into the complex interaction of the biological, psychological and psychosocial factors that may contribute to death.  

Information on psychosocial risk factors in the NMD are more commonly coded for coroner referred deaths and are sourced by the ABS mortality team from National Coronial Information System (NCIS). The NCIS is a medico-legal database holding a range of information pertaining to each death, including reports from police, toxicologists, and pathologists as well as the coroner. These reports contain information not only on diseases, mental health conditions and external events and injury, but also a wealth of information on psychosocial factors as they relate to the deceased individual. These findings provide valuable insights into the circumstances and risk factors surrounding an individual’s death. At an aggregate level, this information can help guide prevention and intervention activities.

Psychosocial risk factors are less commonly coded for deaths certified by a doctor. This is because psychosocial factors are not systematically recorded on medical certificates of cause of death (MCCD) in Australia. Psychosocial risk factors for doctor certified deaths most commonly relate to medical care. 

The psychosocial risk factors recorded on the NMD are not a complete representation of psychological, social and environmental factors present for individual's at death. A psychosocial risk must be mentioned in either a coronial report or the MCCD and made available to the ABS for it to be coded and included in outputs. While there are still some data gaps, there has been improvement over time, both in information made available to the ABS and the coding process of the mortality team.

Psychosocial factors are usually assigned a code from Chapter 21 Factors Influencing Health Status and Contact with Health Services of the ICD-10. This article includes a list of the most commonly used codes from this chapter. The article also includes terms pertaining to psychosocial risk factors and what codes these terms are assigned to. The reason for this is that one ICD-10 code may have a number of terms included. This article is designed to assist with the interpretation of psychosocial risk factors in the NMD and as they appear in the Causes of Death, Australia publication. It is an updated to the list first published as part of the 2017 coding. This listing has also been updated to include psychosocial risk factors that may be reported on the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death for deaths certified by a doctor.

How to use this listing

The table below presents the latest version of the listing of psychosocial risk factors as they relate to deaths in Australia. 

  • Column 1: Alphanumeric code
    • This is a list of ICD-10 code blocks and individual codes (presented to four digit level), listed in alphanumeric order. 
  • Column 2: ICD-10 code description
    • This contains the official ICD-10 code description.
  • Column 3: ABS code description
    • This contains the code description as applied by the ABS. The descriptions in this column  are used for reporting purposes. 
  • Column 4: Inclusion and exclusion terms (as applied by the ABS)
    • This columns contains lists of psychosocial risk factors which are assigned to the code. When an inclusion term states "code with" this means that two codes are assigned to a term. This column also contains a list of exclusion terms that are coded elsewhere. 
  • Column 5: Additional comments
    • This column provides comments that assist with interpretation of the code or terms as applied by the ABS. 

The codes listed reflect the definitions, inclusions and exclusions investigated at the completion of the cause of death coding of 2023 data. The risk factors listed are not representative of an exhaustive list of all circumstances surrounding external and natural deaths, rather they reflect what was identified as part of the coding process when analysing the MCCD and the reports on the NCIS. Coding undertaken by the ABS is undertaken at a point in time - this means that the codes reflect what was available at a certain point. As coronial investigations progress psychosocial risk factor codes may change, with updates being made as part of the ABS revisions process. 

Risk factors in ABS outputs

Risk factors are included and made available as associated causes in the NMD. Data on risk factors captured for intentional-self harm deaths (suicide) is available in the Causes of Death, Australia annual publication presented by characteristics such as age, sex and co-occurring risk factors.

The ABS uses, and supports the use of the Mindframe guidelines on responsible, accurate and safe reporting on suicide, mental ill-health and alcohol and other drugs. The ABS recommends referring to these guidelines when reporting on psychosocial risk factors.

Future considerations

The ABS continues to refine the coding of risk factors, including those which are psychosocial in nature. The future implementation of ICD-11 will also provide a more detailed framework for capture of psychosocial risk factors and may also enable capture of other types of risk factors.

Listing of psychosocial risk factor ICD-10 codes with inclusions and exclusions

Alphanumeric codeICD-10 code descriptionABS code descriptionInclusion and exclusion terms (as applied by ABS)Additional comments
Z00-Z13: Persons encountering health services for examination and investigation
Z02.2Examination for admission to residential institutionExamination for admission to residential institution  
Z02.4Examination for driving licenceIssues relating to driver's licence


  • Failed examination for driver's licence
  • Revoked driver's licence for health reasons
  • Revoked driver's licence for legal reasons (code with Z65.3)
Z04.0Blood-alcohol and blood-drug testBlood-alcohol and blood-drug test


  • Routine testing, generally as part of a return to work program (code with Z56.7)
Z04.2Examination and observation following work accidentExamination and observation following work accident


  • Return to work assessment following work accident
Z04.6General psychiatric examination, requested by authorityGeneral psychiatric examination, requested by authority
Z10.0Occupational health examinationOccupational health examination


  • Return to work assessment following personal/sick leave 
  • Pre-employment health assessment


  • Return to work assessment following work accident (Z04.2)
Z10.2Routine general health check-up of armed forcesRoutine general health check-up of armed forces


  • Return to work assessment
Z20-Z29: Persons with potential health hazards related to communicable diseases. These codes were introduced into the ABS mortality dataset at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Their purpose is to capture the direct and indirect effects of social factors during the pandemic.


  • The individual was in compulsory isolation or quarantine (e.g. hospital, home)

Z29.9Prophylactic measure, unspecifiedProphylactic measure for pandemic response


  • Job loss due to closure of workplace (code with Z56.2)
  • Social isolation due to stay at home measures (code with Z60.4)
  • Inability to find work (code with Z56.7)
  • Failing business (code with Z56.7)
  • Medical facility avoidance (code with Z53.2)


  • Anxiety (specified) due to the COVID-19 pandemic (F41.8)

This code is used when the social aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic were described as a factor related to death, but were not due to compulsory isolation.

Dual code analysis: This code is used in conjunction with other codes to identify the specific risk factor. 'Code with' in the inclusion terms specifies additional codes that can be used to provide a greater understanding of risk factors related to the pandemic.

Z30-Z39: Persons encountering health services in circumstances related to reproduction
Z33Pregnant state, incidentalPregnant state, incidental


  • Pregnant, incidental
  • Miscarriage
  • Post-partum


  • Conditions classifiable as direct or indirect maternal deaths (O00-O99)
This code is used to capture deaths where the deceased was pregnant at the time of death, or up to one year post partum or termination, but the pregnancy was not a contributory factor to death.
Z35.3Supervision of pregnancy with history of insufficient antenatal careSupervision of pregnancy with history of insufficient antenatal care


  • Concealed or hidden pregnancy
Z38.1Singleton, born outside hospitalSingleton, born outside hospital


  • Home birth
Z40-Z54: Persons encountering health services for specific procedures and health care
Z41.1Other plastic surgery for unacceptable cosmetic appearanceOther plastic surgery for perceived unacceptable cosmetic appearance  
Z51.5Palliative carePalliative care


  • Palliative care
  • Palliative pathway
  • Palliation
  • End of life pathway
This code is not designed to be a count of people in palliative care or on palliative pathways. It is most commonly used for doctor certified deaths where the certifier lists palliative care on the medical certificate of cause of death.
Z51.8Other specified medical careOther specified medical care


  • Medication change


  • Misuse or non-compliance with medication (Z91.1)
Z51.9Medical care unspecifiedMedical care unspecified  
Z53.1Procedure not carried out because of patient's decision for reasons of belief and group pressureProcedure not carried out because of patient's decision for reasons of belief and group pressure


  • Decisions made for religious reasons
The term "procedure" is used to reflect medical care including surgery, medication and other treatments. 
Z53.2Procedure not carried out because of patient's decision for other and unspecified reasonsProcedure or health care not carried out because of patient's decision for other and unspecified reasons


  • Patient's decision
  • Refusal of care 
  • Discharged against medical advice 
  • Medical facility avoidance
The term "procedure" is used to reflect medical care including surgery, medication and other treatments.
Z55-Z65: Persons with potential health hazards related to socioeconomic and psychosocial circumstances
Z55.0Illiteracy and low-level literacyIlliteracy and low-level literacy  
Z55.2Failed examinationsFailed examinations  
Z55.3Underachievement in schoolUnderachievement in school  
Z55.4Educational maladjustment and discord with teachers and classmatesEducational maladjustment and discord with teachers and classmates


  • School or classroom bullying (code with Z60.8)
Dual code analysis: When Z55.4 Educational maladjustment and discord with teachers and classmates and Z60.8 Bullying are captured in tandem, it may indicate that the bullying incident(s) occurred within the school or educational environment.
Z55.8Other problems related to education and literacyOther problems related to education and literacy


  • Study stress
  • Academic pressure
  • Struggling with studies
  • Change of education institutions
  • Loss of interest in studies
Z55.9Problem related to education and literacy, unspecifiedProblem related to education and literacy, unspecified  
Z56.0Unemployment, unspecifiedUnemployment, unspecified


  • Unemployment payment with no further specification


  • Unemployment of family member (Z59.8) 
Z56.1Change of jobChange of job


  • Promotion
  • Demotion
  • New job or role
Z56.2Threat of job lossThreatened or actual job loss


  • Job loss
  • Firing
  • Redundancy
  • Threat (real or perceived) of job loss
  • Medical discharge
  • Made redundant due to ill health
Z56.3Stressful work scheduleStressful work schedule  
Z56.4Discord with boss and workmatesDiscord with boss and workmates


  • Disagreements
  • Lack of agreement or harmony
  • Conflict
  • Hostility
  • Disputes
  • Clashing
  • Workplace bullying (code with Z60.8)
Dual code analysis: When Z56.4 Discord with boss and workmates and Z60.8 Bullying are captured in tandem as contributing to an individual's death, it may indicate that the bullying incident(s) occurred within the work environment.
Z56.5Uncongenial workUncongenial work


  • Difficult conditions at work
Z56.6Other physical and mental strain related to workOther physical and mental strain related to work


  • Physical pain when performing work duties
  • Workplace injuries
  • Work stress
  • Unable to relax/wind down post-work
  • Unhappy at work


  • Workplace bullying (Z56.4, Z60.8)
Z56.7Other and unspecified problems related to employmentOther and unspecified problems related to employment


  • Inability to work or difficulty obtaining work
  • Intermittent employment
  • Failed/failing business
  • Change in work requirements


  • Workplace bullying (Z56.4, Z60.8)
Z57.8Occupational exposure to other risk factorsOccupational exposure to other risk factors (means)


  • Profession enables access to mechanism or means leading to death
Z57.9Occupational exposure to unspecified risk factorsOccupational exposure to risk factors


  • Experience of exposure to trauma linked to work


  • Exposure to events listed under Z65.5 or Z65.9
This code may be assigned when a person is exposed to traumatic, stressful or confronting situations in the workplace.
Z58.7Exposure to tobacco smokeExposure to tobacco smoke  
Z58.8Other problems related to physical environmentOther problems related to physical environment


  • Unsafe sleep environment


  • Primary homelessness
  • Sleeping rough
  • Rooflessness


  • Secondary homelessness (Z59.1)
Persons suffering from different levels of homelessness often have different associated risk factors for many different outcomes and require different interventions. To enhance analysis, primary homelessness and secondary homelessness are classified under two distinct codes: Primary homelessness under Z59.0 (Homelessness) and secondary homelessness under Z59.1 (Inadequate housing). When considering the impact of homelessness as a broader issue it is advised to combine Z59.0 and Z59.1 in statistical output.
Z59.1Inadequate housingInadequate housing


  • Overcrowding
  • Physical hazards
  • Insufficient amenities and utilities (including heat, water, plumbing, electricity and sanitation)
  • Derelict dwellings
  • Uninhabitable dwellings
  • Secondary homelessness (e.g. squatting, couch surfing)


  • Primary homelessness (Z59.0)
Persons suffering from different levels of homelessness often have different associated risk factors for many different outcomes and require different interventions. To enhance analysis, primary homelessness and secondary homelessness are classified under two distinct codes: Primary homelessness under Z59.0 (Homelessness) and secondary homelessness under Z59.1 (Inadequate housing). When considering the impact of homelessness as a broader issue it is advised to combine Z59.0 and Z59.1 in statistical output.
Z59.2Discord with neighbours, lodgers and landlordDiscord with neighbours, lodgers and landlord


  • General discord
  • Conflict with neighbours/tenants/roommates
Z59.3Problems related to living in residential institutionProblems related to living in residential institution  
Z59.6Low incomeLow income  
Z59.7Insufficient social insurance and welfare supportInsufficient social insurance and welfare support


  • Problems with social welfare payments
Z59.8Other and unspecified problems related to housing and economic circumstancesOther and unspecified problems related to economic circumstances


  • Foreclosure on loan
  • Problems with creditors
  • Financial issues
  • Bankruptcy
  • Unemployment of family member
  • Other specified economic circumstances not classified under Z59.0-Z59.7
Z59.9Problems related to housing and economic circumstances, unspecifiedOther and unspecified problems related to housing circumstances


  • Temporary housing (e.g. hostel)
  • Eviction from housing (owner or renter)
  • Concerns over security of keeping or obtaining housing
  • Other specified housing circumstances not classified under Z59.0-Z59.7
The ICD-10 combines housing and economic circumstances together for some situations. Due to the marked differences in economic and housing issues, the ABS has created new categories to identify these risk factors separately in output.
Z60.0Problems of adjustment to life-cycle transitionsProblems of adjustment to life-cycle transitions


  • Anxiety surrounding retirement
  • Not wanting to retire
  • Worries about "getting old"
  • "Empty nest" syndrome
  • Difficulty adjusting to parenthood


  • Nursing home fear or avoidance (Z74.8)
Z60.1Atypical parenting situationAtypical parenting situation  
Z60.2Living aloneLiving alone  
Z60.3Acculturation difficultyAcculturation difficulty


  • Language barriers
  • Issues relating to migration
Z60.4Social exclusion and rejectionSocial isolation, exclusion, and rejection


  • Social isolation (actual and perceived)
  • Loneliness


  • Social exclusion due to bullying (Z60.8)
Z60.5Target of perceived adverse discrimination and persecutionTarget of perceived adverse discrimination and persecution


  • Discrimination based on personal characteristics
    (e.g. sexuality, gender, race, appearance)


  • Social exclusion and rejection (Z60.4) 
This code is not used as a flag to capture personal characteristics (e.g. particular race, sexuality). Rather, this code is used when personal characteristics have been a stressor or factor in death.
Z60.8Other problems related to social environmentBullying


  • Bullying
  • Bullying at school (code with Z55.4)
  • Workplace bullying (code with Z56.4) 
This code is used to capture bullying only. The impact of bullying as it relates to both mortality and mental health is of interest to a wide range of organisations and individuals. It is important that information on bullying can be disseminated in the dataset.
Dual code use: Bullying can be considered with other codes (e.g. Z55.4 Educational maladjustment) to understand the contextual environment in which the bullying may have occurred.
Z60.9Problem related to social environment, unspecifiedProblem related to social environment, unspecified


  • Visa Issues


  • Issues with visa for relative or friend (Z63.7)
Z61.0Loss of love relationship in childhoodLoss of love relationship in childhood  
Z61.1Removal from home in childhoodRemoval from home in childhood  
Z61.2Altered pattern of family relationships in childhoodAltered pattern of family relationships in childhood


  • Arrival of a new person into a family resulting in adverse change in child's relationships. May include new marriage by a parent or birth of a sibling
Z61.3Events resulting in loss of self-esteem in childhoodEvents resulting in loss of self-esteem in childhood


  • Failure in tasks with high personal investment
  • Disclosure or discovery of a shameful or stigmatising personal or family event 
  • Humiliation in childhood
Z61.4Problems related to alleged sexual abuse of child by person within primary support groupProblems related to alleged sexual abuse of child by person within primary support group Primary support group includes family, friends, and highly influential social groups involved in the exchange of love, caring, concern, animosity, support, and those who share close, personal, enduring relationships.
Z61.5Problems related to alleged sexual abuse of child by person outside primary support groupProblems related to alleged sexual abuse of child by person outside primary support group  
Z61.6Problems related to alleged physical abuse of childProblems related to alleged physical abuse of child  
Z61.7Personal or frightening experience in childhoodPersonal or frightening experience in childhood  
Z61.8Other negative life events in childhoodOther negative life events in childhood


  • Childhood family violence 
  • Problems in childhood
  • Traumatic childhood
  • Childhood abuse, not elsewhere classified
  • Other specified negative life events in childhood not classified under Z61.0-Z61.7
Z61.9Negative life event in childhood, unspecifiedNegative life event in childhood, unspecified  
Z62.0Inadequate parental supervision and controlInadequate parental supervision  
Z62.2Institutional upbringingInstitutional upbringing


  • Any care upbringing (e.g. foster care, orphanage)
Z62.4Emotional neglect of childEmotional neglect of child  
Z62.5Other problems related to neglect in upbringingOther problems related to neglect in upbringing  
Z62.6Inappropriate parental pressure and other abnormal qualities of upbringingInappropriate parental pressure and other abnormal qualities of upbringing  
Z62.8Other specified problems related to upbringingOther specified problems related to upbringing


  • Poor upbringing
  • Strict parents
  • Contact with child services, not otherwise specified
  • Adoption (where it has been stated adoption has had a negative effect on the deceased’s life)
Z62.9Problem related to upbringing, unspecifiedProblem related to upbringing, unspecified  
Z63.0Problems in relationship with spouse or partnerProblems in relationship with spouse or partner


  • Intimate partner violence
  • Relationship issues
  • Acute events as well as ongoing/reoccurring
  • Arguments which have happened proximate to death
  • Domestic violence 
  • Violence orders (code with Z65.3)


  • Separation and divorce (Z63.5)
  • Domestic violence where children and other specified parties except spouse or partner were affected (Z61.8 or Z63.8)
Z63.1Problems in relationship with parents and in-lawsProblems in relationship with parents and in-laws


  • Arguments, disagreements, discord, conflict
  • Parents not approving of relationships or other lifestyle choices


  • Problems in relationship with other family members who are not parents or parent in-laws (Z63.8)
Z63.2Inadequate family supportInadequate family support


  • Lack of family support
  • Feelings of abandonment 
Z63.3Absence of family memberAbsence of family member


  • Inability to see family members (including children)
  • Estrangement from family members (including children)


  • Disappearance and death of family member (Z63.4)
Z63.4Disappearance and death of family memberDisappearance or death of family member or member of primary support group


  • Death of pet
  • Assumed death of family member or friend
  • Suicide of family member or friend (code with Z81.8)
Primary support group includes family, friends, and highly influential social groups involved in the exchange of love, caring, concern, animosity, support, and those who share close, personal, enduring relationships.
Z63.5Disruption of family by separation and divorceDisruption of family by separation and divorce


  • Relationship breakdown
  • Separation
  • Divorce
  • Children affected by separation or divorce if breakup still having a current effect


  • Relationship issues (Z63.0)
Z63.6Dependent relative needing care at homeDependent relative needing care at home  
Z63.7Other stressful life events affecting family and householdOther stressful life events affecting family and household


  • Anxiety about sick person in family
  • Health problems with family
Z63.8Other specified problems related to primary support groupOther specified problems related to primary support group


  • Family fights
  • Problems with pets
  • Friendship fights
  • Unrequited love (not in a relationship)
  • Any other specified problems related to primary support group not classified under Z63.0-Z63.7
Z63.9Problem related to primary support group, unspecifiedProblem related to primary support group, unspecified


  • Family difficulties, not otherwise specified
Primary support group includes family, friends, and highly influential social groups involved in the exchange of love, caring, concern, animosity, support, and those who share close, personal, enduring relationships.
Z64.0Problems related to unwanted pregnancyProblems related to unwanted pregnancy  
Z64.4Discord with counsellorsDiscord with health professionals


  • Discord with probation officer or social worker
  • Discord with psychologist, psychiatrist, GP
Z65.0Conviction in civil and criminal proceedings without imprisonmentConviction in civil and criminal proceedings without imprisonment


  • Any mention of a conviction
  • Charged with an offence
  • Criminal history


  • Problems related to release from prison (Z65.2)
  • If charged with an offence but out on bail, or court pending (Z65.3) 
Z65.1Imprisonment and other incarcerationImprisonment and other incarceration


  • Current imprisonment/incarceration
  • In custody
Z65.2Problems related to release from prisonProblems related to release from prison


  • Recent release from prison
  • Any mention where the deceased has been imprisoned
Z65.3Problems related to other legal circumstancesProblems related to other legal circumstances


  • Domestic Violence Orders
  • Child custody or support proceedings
  • Litigation
  • Restraining Orders
  • Potential or impending legal circumstances or court appearances
  • Charges have been laid, awaiting commencement of court proceedings
  • Circumstances where death occurs in relation to illegal activities, where it is not captured elsewhere
Z65.4Victim of crime and terrorismVictim of crime and terrorism


  • Victim of sexual assault (code with Z91.6)
Z65.5Exposure to disaster, war and other hostilitiesExposure to disaster, war and other hostilities


  • Exposure to war or conflict 
  • Natural disasters 
Z65.8Other specified problems related to psychosocial circumstancesOther specified problems related to psychosocial circumstances


  • Stressful life event, not elsewhere classified


  • Other stressful life events affecting family and household (Z63.7) 
Z65.9Problem related to unspecified psychological circumstancesMilitary deployment overseas


  • Overseas deployment 
Z70-Z76: Persons encountering health services in other circumstances
Z71.1Person with feared complaint in whom no diagnosis is madePerson with feared complaint in whom no diagnosis is made


  • "Worried well"
  • Continued concern about health despite normal medical test results
Z71.5Drug abuse counselling and surveillanceDrug abuse counselling and surveillance  
Z71.6Tobacco abuse counsellingTobacco abuse counselling  
Z72.1Alcohol useAlcohol use


  • Any conditions assigned to F10.0-F10.9 or R78.0
Z72.4Inappropriate diet and eating habitsPoor diet  
Z72.5High-risk sexual behaviourHigh-risk sexual behaviour


  • Sexual misadventure
  • Perpetrator or alleged perpetrator of sexual offences (code with Z65.3)


  • Paedophilia as so described in coronial reports (F65.4)
Z72.6Gambling and bettingGambling and betting


  • Compulsive or pathological gambling (F63.0)


  • State of exhaustion
Z73.3Stress, not elsewhere classifiedStress, not elsewhere classified


  • Physical and mental strain, not otherwise specified
Z73.6Limitation of activities due to disabilityLimitation of activities due to disability or chronic health condition


  • All types of disabilities as well as health conditions which reduce an individual’s abilities (e.g. chronic conditions in the elderly, "declining health", terminal illness)
  • Perceived limitation of ability due to newly diagnosed illness
Z73.8Other problems related to life-management difficultyOther problems related to life-management difficulty


  • Unable to manage daily routine
Z74.0Need for assistance due to reduced mobilityNeed for assistance due to reduced mobility  
Z74.1Need for assistance with personal careNeed for assistance with personal care  
Z74.2Need for assistance at home and no other household member able to render careNeed for assistance at home and no other household member able to render care  
Z74.8Other problems related to care-provider dependencyOther problems related to care-provider dependency


  • Anxiety surrounding perceived or actual "burden" on primary support group
  • Worry/fear/anxiety/avoidance surrounding move to nursing home
Z75.0Medical services not available in homeMedical services not available in home


  • No other household member available to render care (Z74.2)
Z75 includes risk factors where circumstances relating to the health service/facility/care itself have been a stressor for the deceased.
Z75.1Person awaiting admission to adequate facility elsewherePerson awaiting admission to adequate facility elsewhere


  • Bed unavailable
See note on Z75 above.
Z75.2Other waiting period for investigation and treatmentOther waiting period for investigation and treatment


  • Awaiting results
  • Awaiting elective procedure
See note on Z75 above.
Z75.3Unavailability and inaccessibility of health-care facilitiesUnavailability and inaccessibility of health-care facilities See note on Z75 above.
Z75.8Other problems related to medical facilities and other health careOther problems related to medical facilities and other health care


  • Problems related to service of medical provider, not elsewhere classified


  • Refusal of care/Discharged against medical advice/Medical facility avoidance (Z53.2)
  • Discord with health professionals (Z64.4)
  • Problems related to care-provider dependency (Z74)
  • Medication misuse/Treatment non-compliance (Z91.1)
See note on Z75 above.
Z76.5Malingerer [conscious simulation]Malingerer


  • Feigning illness for obvious motivation
Z76 includes risk factors related to how the individual interacts with health services/facilities/care.
Z76.8Persons encountering health services in other specified circumstancesPersons encountering health services in other specified circumstances


  • Consulting more than one doctor to obtain multiple prescriptions
See note on Z76 above.
Z80-Z99: Persons with potential health hazards related to family and personal history and certain conditions including health status
Z80.9Family history of malignant neoplasm, unspecifiedFamily history of malignant neoplasm, unspecified


  • Family history of cancer predisposition syndromes
Z81.1Family history of alcohol abuseFamily history of alcohol abuse  
Z81.2Family history of tobacco abuseFamily history of tobacco abuse


  • Exposure to tobacco smoke or passive smoking (Z58.7) 

Family history of other psychoactive substance abuseFamily history of other psychoactive substance abuse  
Z81.8Family history of other mental and behavioural disordersFamily history of suicide


  • Suicide of family member or person in primary support group
Z82.4Family history of ischaemic heart disease and other diseases of the circulatory systemFamily history of ischaemic heart disease and other diseases of the circulatory system  
Z84.8Family history of other mental health conditionsFamily history of other mental health conditions


  • Suicide of family member (Z81.8)
Z85.0 - Z85.9Personal history of malignant neoplasmPersonal history of malignant neoplasm


  • Cancer stated as 'in remission', 'recovered' or 'treated', where the cancer itself did not contribute to death
Z86.0Personal history of other neoplasmsPersonal history of other neoplasms


  • Malignant neoplasms (Z85)
Z86.4Personal history of psychoactive substance abusePersonal history of psychoactive substance abuse (not current)


  • Conditions classifiable to F10-F19
Z86.5Personal history of other mental and behavioural disordersPersonal history of other mental and behavioural disorders (no current symptoms)


  • Conditions classifiable to F00-F09, F20-F99
Z87.3Personal history of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissuePersonal history of back pain


  • Conditions classifiable to M00-M99
Z87.5Personal history of complications of pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperiumPersonal history of complications of pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium


  • Current complications of pregnancy (O00-O99)
Z87.8Personal history of other specified conditionsPersonal history of other specified conditions


  • Conditions classifiable to S00-T98
  • History of MVA or other physical trauma without specific injury mentioned


  • Personal history of self harm (Z91.5)
Z89.0 - Z89.9Acquired absence of limbAcquired absence of limb


  • Postoperative
  • Post-traumatic
Z90.0 - Z90.9Acquired absence of organ, not elswhere classifiedAcquired absence of organ


  • Postoperative or post-traumatic loss of body part 
Z91.1Personal history of noncompliance with medical treatment and regimePersonal history of noncompliance with medical treatment and regime


  • Non-compliance with medication or other treatment (e.g. dialysis, poorly controlled diabetes)
  • Misuse of medication
  • Both current and past misuse and noncompliance with medical regime
Z91.2Personal history of poor personal hygienePersonal history of poor personal hygiene  
Personal history of unhealthy sleep-wake schedule
(Sleep disorders; Nonorganic sleep disorders)
Poor sleep/wake schedule


  • Sleep difficulties
  • Poor sleep 


  • Nonorganic sleep disorders (F51)
  • Sleep disorders (G47)
Z91.4Personal history of psychological trauma, not elsewhere classifiedPersonal history of psychological trauma, not elsewhere classified


  • Psychological trauma as a result of physical trauma (code with Z91.6)


  • Physical trauma with no mention of psychological trauma (Z91.6)
Z91.5Personal history of self-harmPersonal history of self-harm


  • Deliberate self-injury
  • Causing self-inflicted pain
  • Suicidal and non-suicidal self-injury


  • Suicide ideation (R45.8)
Z91.6Personal history of other physical traumaPersonal history of other physical trauma


  • Sexual assault (code with Z65.4)
  • Physical abuse or assault, not elsewhere classified (code with Z65.4)


  • Sexual assault in childhood (Z61.4-Z61.5)
  • Physical abuse or assault in childhood (Z61.6)
Z91.8Personal history of other specified risk factors, not elsewhere classifiedPersonal history of other specified risk factors, not elsewhere classified


  • Abuse, not otherwise specified
  • Maltreatment, not otherwise specified 
Z92.6Personal history of chemotherapy for neoplastic diseasePersonal history of chemotherapy for neoplastic disease  
Z96.6Presence of orthopaedic joint implantsPresence of orthopaedic joint implants


  • Old orthopaedic implants 
Z98.8Other specified postsurgical statesOther specified postsurgical states  
Z99.1Dependence on aspiratorDependence on aspirator


  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease on home oxygen 
Z99.2Dependence on renal dialysisDependence on renal dialysis


  • If dialysis has been withdrawn
Z99.3Dependence on wheelchairDependence on wheelchair  
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