Have your say on statistics for volunteering and giving


The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) today launched a national public consultation on statistics for volunteering and giving.

The consultation will help clarify the data needs of Australian communities and decision-makers for information on volunteering and giving activity.

The public consultation, open today until 12 May, invites the public to submit proposals to improve statistics on volunteering and giving. The Discussion Paper provides background information.

"This is a unique opportunity for data users and the public to have their say on the current information available about volunteering and giving and how well it meets their needs," said Stephen Collett, Program Manager of Indigenous Statistics and Social Information Branch from the ABS.

"Statistics on Volunteering and giving are vital for government, business, researchers and the community to make informed decisions on our society and the Australian economy,” Mr Collett said.

"The input from the submissions will help us make sure that these statistics continue to meet people's needs. I encourage anyone interested in a making a submission to go to the Discussion Paper: Information needs for Volunteering data for more information."

Media note

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