Deaths due to COVID-19, influenza and RSV in Australia - 2022 - July 2024

Acute respiratory disease mortality in Australia


Acute respiratory infection mortality in Australia

The ABS have reported extensively on deaths involving COVID-19 during the pandemic. The ABS mortality data is sourced from the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages and is separate from the National Notifiable Disease Surveillance System. While the registration-based deaths data takes longer to receive and process this dataset has provided important supplementary information to the surveillance system data. 

As the pandemic has progressed, there has been a re-emergence of other acute respiratory diseases. To reflect this, the ABS will now report on the number of monthly deaths due to COVID-19, influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). In this article, these viral diseases will be referred to collectively as deaths due to acute respiratory infections. Due to the higher number of deaths due to COVID-19 more detailed analysis will be included for this cause. 

All data presented in this article is provisional. It is expected that numbers of deaths due to these causes will increase for more recent time periods as more death registrations are received by the ABS. 

Deaths involving acute respiratory infections by month

The table below shows the number of acute respiratory associated deaths reported on a medical certificate of cause of death by month and year. An acute respiratory associated death is one where the viral disease has either directly caused the death (the virus has caused terminal complications such as pneumonia) or the person has died with the virus (a person has died from another cause but the viral illness still contributed significantly to death). 

  • COVID-19 has been the leading cause of acute respiratory infection mortality across 2022-2024. 
  • After lower numbers of deaths between February and April, deaths involving COVID-19 started to rise in May and June. Deaths due to acute respiratory infections are typically lower in Australia in warmer months. For the first six months of 2024, deaths involving COVID-19 were 26.4% lower than in 2023 and 58.5% lower than in 2022.
  • Deaths involving influenza were higher than usual for the first three months of the year, but have been comparable to levels in 2023 since April.
  • Deaths involving RSV have been higher in each month of 2024 than either of 2022 or 2023. 
Acute respiratory infection associated deaths, 2022-2024
2022 - COVID-191,8781,2465519331,2281,1771,8781,5816333535981,25213,308
2022 - Influenzanp00np6121987308566426
2022 - RSVnpnp0np74155553621158243
2023 - COVID-199853563885938298054332412122625115226,137
2023 - Influenza145153753951484942574538598
2023 - RSVnp711233561696736351314373
2024 - COVID-19576376334288544794299nanananana3,211
2024 - Influenza333428364999110nanananana389
2024 - RSV11152345657828nanananana265

a. Includes acute respiratory disease death registrations only. Numbers will differ to disease surveillance systems.
b. Includes all deaths (both doctor and coroner certified) that occurred and were registered by 31 July 2024.
c. All deaths involving COVID-19 in this report have been coded to ICD-10 codes U07.1-U07.2, U10.9 or U09.9. All deaths involving influenza have been coded to J09-J11. All deaths involving RSV have been coded to J12.1, J20.5, J21.0, B97.4.
d. Data is provisional and subject to change.
e. Refer to the methodology for more information regarding the data in this table.

Deaths due to acute respiratory infections by month

The ABS codes an underlying cause of death (UCOD) for all deaths in the national mortality dataset. The underlying cause of death is defined as the disease, condition or external event that started the chain of events leading to death. International coding rules are applied to disease and conditions appearing on the medical certificate of cause of death (MCCD) to assign the UCOD. A disease or condition must be certified on the MCCD to be coded by the ABS. If COVID-19, influenza or RSV is listed as the underlying cause of death, the death is considered to have been caused by the virus. 

The following table shows the number of deaths due to acute respiratory diseases since 2022.

  • The number of deaths from COVID-19 have been much lower in every month of 2024 than the same month in 2022. Deaths from COVID-19 in February, March and June 2024 have been comparable to the same months in 2023.
  • The 72 deaths due to influenza in the first three months of 2024 were much higher than in either 2023 (23) or 2022 (<5). This is slightly slightly below pre-pandemic deaths due to influenza. For example, in 2019 there were 86 influenza deaths recorded in the first 3 months. In April, May and June the 151 deaths due to influenza were comparable to 148 deaths recorded in 2023. This is well below the number of influenza deaths recorded in May and June of 2019, a year with a high number of flu-related mortality. 
Deaths due to acute respiratory infections by month, 2022-2024
2022 - COVID-191,6471,0344247169298911,4091,13044725445697110,308
2022 - Influenzanp00np511665717npnpnp5311
2022 - RSVnp000np10141586npnp61
2023 - COVID-197532362724406366063371621552034043894,593
2023 - Influenza75112746751123631433534462
2023 - RSVnpnpnpnp814191991265101
2024 - COVID-19437278261222434621250nanananana2,503
2024 - Influenza27261931417987nanananana310
2024 - RSVnpnp61719228nanananana78

a. Includes acute respiratory infection death registrations only. Numbers will differ to disease surveillance systems.
b. Includes all deaths (both doctor and coroner certified) that occurred and were registered by 31 July 2024.
c. All deaths due to COVID-19 in this report have been coded to ICD-10 codes U07.1-U07.2, U10.9. All deaths due to influenza have been coded to J09-J11. All deaths due to RSV have been coded to J12.1, J20.5, J21.0, B34.8 with B97.4.
d. Data is provisional and subject to change.
e. Refer to the methodology for more information regarding the data in this table.

Deaths with contributing acute respiratory infections by month

The table below shows the number of acute-respiratory associated deaths where the person has died with the virus (a person has died from another cause but the viral illness still contributed significantly to death).

  • COVID-19 and Influenza are more likely to be assigned as the underlying causes of death rather than a contributing factor (i.e. a person died with the virus). The opposite is true for RSV - it is more likely to be listed as a significant contributor to death. To wholly monitor the effects of RSV on mortality, deaths with RSV should be taken into consideration. 
  • There have been more deaths with RSV in each of the first six months of 2024 than in the corresponding months of 2022 or 2023. 
  • There have been fewer deaths with COVID-19 in each of the first six months of 2024 than in the corresponding months of 2022 or 2023.
Deaths with acute respiratory infections by month, 2022-2024
2022 - COVID-19231212127217299286469451186991422813,000
2022 - Influenzanp00010533013npnpnpnp115
2022 - RSVnpnp0np63141402815116182
2023 - COVID-19232120116153193199967957591071331,544
2023 - Influenza70np107203613111410np136
2023 - RSVnp582027475048272379272
2024 - COVID-1913998736611017349nanananana708
2024 - Influenza689582023nanananana79
2024 - RSV8121728465620nanananana187

a. Includes acute respiratory infection death registrations only. Numbers will differ to disease surveillance systems.
b. Includes all deaths (both doctor and coroner certified) that occurred and were registered by 31 July 2024.
c. All deaths with COVID-19 in this report have been coded to ICD-10 codes U07.1-U07.2, U10.9 or U09.9. All deaths with influenza have been coded to J09-J11. All deaths with RSV have been coded to J12.1, J20.5, J21.0, B97.4 with UCOD other than B34.8.
d. Data is provisional and subject to change.
e. Refer to the methodology for more information regarding the data in this table.

Deaths due to acute respiratory infections by age and sex

  • More males have died from COVID-19 compared to females across 2022-2024. 
  • Those aged over 90 years are the only age group to consistently record more deaths of females than males from COVID-19. Nearly two thirds of Australia's population of persons aged over 90 years are female.
  • More females (166) than males (144) have died from influenza in 2024. This was also true for influenza deaths in 2022 and 2023.
  • All three of these acute respiratory infections are more likely to cause death in older age groups than younger age groups. 
Deaths due to acute respiratory infections by age and sex, 2022-2024
 2022 - COVID-192022 - Influenza2022 - RSV2023 - COVID-192023 - Influenza2023 - RSV2024 - COVID-192024 - Influenza2024 - RSV
Male 0-1911npnpnp800npnp
Male 20-299np0np500np0
Male 30-3927np0550np00
Male 40-49545np1611np1070
Male 50-5916510np451501050
Male 60-6942720np16935np7514np
Male 70-79127127np51957np271425
Male 80-89224040610185812562449
Male 90+150226664433114152914
All Male570613423242222730134414430
Female 0-199npnpnp10npnp50
Female 20-2910000np0np00
Female 30-3916np0990npnp0
Female 40-49367011705npnp
Female 50-591029np2311np1770
Female 60-6926227np11232np51150
Female 70-7967536np316519165245
Female 80-891635441479669214295513
Female 90+1857481390344334895629
All Female460217738217123571115916648

a. Includes acute respiratory infection death registrations only. Numbers will differ to disease surveillance systems.
b. Includes all deaths (both doctor and coroner certified) that occurred and were registered by 31 July 2024.
c. All deaths due to COVID-19 in this report have been coded to ICD-10 codes U07.1-U07.2, U10.9. All deaths due to influenza have been coded to J09-J11. All deaths due to RSV have been coded to J12.1, J20.5, J21.0, B34.8 with B97.4.
d. Data is provisional and subject to change.
e. Refer to the methodology for more information regarding the data in this table.

Deaths due to acute respiratory infections by state and territory of registration

  • As the most populous state, New South Wales generally records the highest numbers of deaths for acute respiratory infections. 
  • Queensland has recorded the highest number of deaths due to RSV in 2024.
  • COVID-19 has caused more deaths than influenza and RSV across 2022-2024 in all jurisdictions. 
Deaths due to acute respiratory infections by state and territory of registration, 2022-2024
2022 - COVID-193,7352,9871,6918476402005315510,308
2022 - Influenza1057472271488np311
2022 - RSV2415115npnp0061
2023 - COVID-191,5841,19777138345512016674,593
2023 - Influenza1368312063331458462
2023 - RSV292420612np07101
2024 - COVID-19832653414212260819422,503
2024 - Influenza13878627146npnp310
2024 - RSV241634np0np0078

a. Includes acute respiratory infection death registrations only. Numbers will differ to disease surveillance systems.
b. Includes all deaths (both doctor and coroner certified) that occurred and were registered by 31 July 2024.
c. All deaths due to COVID-19 in this report have been coded to ICD-10 codes U07.1-U07.2, U10.9. All deaths due to influenza have been coded to J09-J11. All deaths due to RSV have been coded to J12.1, J20.5, J21.0, B34.8 with B97.4.
d. Data is provisional and subject to change.
e. Refer to the methodology for more information regarding the data in this table.

COVID-19 mortality among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

COVID-19 mortality among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people by month

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are at heightened risk of more severe outcomes from COVID-19. There are several reasons for this, including higher rates of socioeconomic disadvantage, higher rates of chronic diseases and limited access to culturally safe health care.

This section presents information on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who have died from COVID-19 (where it directly caused conditions leading to death) or with COVID-19 (where it was a contributing factor but did not directly cause death). For most of the analysis deaths from and with COVID-19 are presented together due to small numbers of deaths.

There have been deaths recorded in all jurisdictions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. However, the rest of this analysis focusses on deaths registered in New South Wales, Queensland, Western Australia, South Australia and the Northern Territory only. Only these five states and territories have evidence of a sufficient level of Indigenous identification and high enough numbers of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander deaths to support mortality analysis.

There were 46 deaths of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people involving COVID-19 in the first six months of 2024. This is lower than the first six months in both 2023 and 2022.

Deaths from or with COVID-19 among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, 2022-24

a. Doctor certified and coroner certified deaths are included.
b. Data is by date of occurrence.
c. Data is provisional and subject to change.
d. Died from COVID-19 - where the underlying cause of death is COVID-19. Died with COVID-19 - COVID-19 is a contributory cause of death but not the underlying cause.
e. Includes deaths that occurred from January 2022 that were registered by 31 July 2024.
f. Data is sourced from the death registration system and differs from COVID-19 data collected through the surveillance system.
g. Deaths in remote Australia can take longer to register with a jurisdictional RBDM as funerals may take longer to occur. This delay in registration may cause a delay in the death registration being sent to the ABS.
h. Data are reported by jurisdiction of state of registration for NSW, Queensland, WA, SA and the NT only. Data for Victoria, Tasmania and the ACT have been excluded as data quality of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander identification is not considered to be as robust for these jurisdictions.

COVID-19 mortality among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people: Age-standardised death rates

There were 423 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who had COVID-19 certified as a cause of death across the five jurisdictions. Of these people:

  • 269 died due to COVID-19. This is where the virus caused complications that led directly to death. A further 154 people died with COVID-19. This is where another disease caused the terminal complication causing death but COVID-19 was a contributing factor.
  • The age-standardised death rate for deaths from COVID-19 and deaths with COVID-19 are slightly lower for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander females than males. The rate difference for deaths from COVID-19 and deaths with COVID-19 between males and females is lower for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people than for non-Indigenous people.
  • Of those who died from or with COVID-19, a higher proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people died with COVID-19 as a contributing factor compared with non-Indigenous people (36.4% compared with 25.5%).
  • The mortality rate from COVID-19 is 1.7 times higher in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people compared to non-Indigenous people.
  • For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander females, the rate of mortality with COVID-19 is 2.7 times higher than that of non-Indigenous females.
Number, proportions and age-standardised death rates of COVID-19 deaths in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, 2022-2024, NSW, Qld, SA, WA and NT
 Number of deathsProportion of deaths (%)Age-standardised death rates  
 IndigenousNon-IndigenousIndigenousNon-IndigenousIndigenousNon-IndigenousRate differenceRate ratio
Died from COVID 
Died with COVID 
Died from or with COVID 

a. Doctor certified and coroner certified deaths are included.
b. Data is by date of occurrence.
c. Data is provisional and subject to change.
d. Died from COVID-19 - where the underlying cause of death is COVID-19. Died with COVID-19 - COVID-19 is a contributory cause of death but not the underlying cause.
e. Includes deaths that occurred from January 2022 that were registered by 31 July 2024.
f. Data is sourced from the death registration system and differs from COVID-19 data collected through the surveillance system.
g. Deaths in remote Australia can take longer to register with a jurisdictional RBDM as funerals may take longer to occur. This delay in registration may cause a delay in the death registration being sent to the ABS.
h. Data are reported by jurisdiction of state of registration for NSW, Queensland, WA, SA and the NT only. Data for Victoria, Tasmania and the ACT have been excluded as data quality of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander identification is not considered to be as robust for these jurisdictions.

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