The Weekly Payroll Jobs and Wages in Australia estimates are compiled from data collected via the Single Touch Payroll (STP) system, which facilitates employers in reporting jobholder payroll information to the Australian Taxation Office.
Distributions of jobholder and employer characteristics provide insights into the key populations contributing to these estimates.
Distributions are useful in understanding the composition of payroll jobs and jobholder populations. A range of factors can influence the share of payroll jobs and characteristics of jobholders, and how this composition changes over time. Characteristics may differ between geographies, businesses, or groups of jobholders, and further influenced by variations in:
- rates of multiple jobholding,
- workforce participation rates,
- access to flexible work arrangements, and
- workforce demand caused by environmental factors such as the pandemic and limited migration.
STP data used for this release do not include information on hours worked or hours paid for, or the employment status of jobholders. Where a jobholder holds more than job, each job will be counted as a unique payroll job. Proportions of payroll jobs therefore differ from those compiled from employment estimates, which are based on the main job of a jobholder.
More information on the proportion of multiple jobholders and participation rates can be found in Labour Account, Australia, Jobs in Australia and Labour Force, Australia.
Payroll jobs reported via STP exclude owner managers of unincorporated enterprises (OMUEs). OMUEs are more prevalent in some industries (such as Construction and Agriculture, forestry and fishing) and based on Labour Force data are more likely to be male.
Reference weeks presented in this article refer to the weeks ending 14 March 2020, 13 March 2021 and 12 March 2022. The week ending 14 March 2020 was the week in which Australia reached 100 cases of COVID-19 infections.