ABS Emissions Reduction Plan
The Australian Government released the Net Zero in Government Operations Strategy in November 2023, setting out the overall approach and action required by Commonwealth entities to achieve the APS Net Zero 2030 target.
The Net Zero in Government Operations Strategy represents a strong commitment by the Australian Government to lead by example on emissions reduction and contribute to the decarbonisation of Australia’s economy.
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is committed to the achievement of the Government’s APS Net Zero 2030 target. The ABS is following the APS Net Zero 2030 target in full, as per the Net Zero in Government Operations Strategy.
This Emissions Reduction Plan describes the priorities and actions the ABS is taking to reduce our operational emissions and contribute to the APS Net Zero 2030 target.
Kylie Bryant
Deputy Australian Statistician
Chief Operating Officer
The ABS is responsible for managing and implementing emissions reduction initiatives set by the Australian Government’s Net Zero in Government Operations Strategy (the Strategy) developed by Department of Finance. The Strategy sets out the Australian Government’s approach to achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions from its operations by 2030 and the reinstatement of public emissions reporting.
The goal of this Emissions Reduction Plan is to provide a pathway for the ABS to contribute to the achievement of the APS Net Zero 2030 target through emissions reduction activities. This plan encompasses existing and new priorities and actions within the ABS to reduce emissions.
This Emissions Reduction Plan has been completed in accordance with the Strategy, associated guidance and reporting standards for annual emissions reporting.
APS Net Zero 2030 is the target set by the Australian Government to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions from government operations by the year 2030. It includes scope 1 and scope 2 emissions from activities in Australia and its territories, as described in the Strategy. The APS Net Zero 2030 target applies at the aggregate level to non-corporate Commonwealth entities and generally covers the entirety of the entity’s organisation. From an organisational perspective, this means minimising the greenhouse gas emissions that are within our control.
Progress against actions identified within this Emissions Reduction Plan, and any additional measures adopted, will be included in our annual reports. This, combined with annual emissions reporting, will be used as a measure of the ABS progress towards reducing its emissions.
As part of the Net Zero in Government Operations Annual Progress Report, the Department of Finance will aggregate these measures to provide whole-of-Australian Government emissions reporting.
The ABS operates across all Australian states and territories, with approximately 3,200 office-based personnel and 400 field staff working across the state and territories. During the Census these numbers increase significantly.
Our facilities are leased office spaces in each capital city and Geelong, and off-site data centres under service contracts. ABS staff have access to flexible working arrangements with the majority having formal teleworking arrangements in place. Our offices have been designed using flexible working principles and area under lease is defined by expected staff utilisation over the length of the lease.
In the lead up to and during the 5-yearly Census, the increase in workload and business requirements substantially changes the ABS emissions profile. Additional property is leased to accommodate increased operational office staff numbers and to service remote areas, warehouse facilities are required to store, disseminate and process paper Census forms, and the collection phase has a significant impact on the required travel and size of the fleet.
Prior to this Plan, the ABS had already commenced its net zero emissions pathway in line with the direction set in the Strategy. This includes the following key activities:
- Participating in whole of Australian Government electricity procurement
- Review and adoption of requirements to lease buildings and design fit-outs in compliance with the Net Zero in Government Operations Strategy
- Review of procurement procedures to prioritise sourcing goods and services in compliance with the Australian Government Environmentally Sustainable Procurement Policy
- Review of fleet passenger vehicle leasing to ensure compliance with the Net Zero in Government Operations Strategy where operationally feasible
- Review of required updates to the ABS travel policies to align with changes in whole of Australian Government requirements for environmentally sustainable travel
- Developing the capability of staff who have primary responsibilities under the strategy including those in property, procurement, travel and ICT management
- Increasing the awareness of all staff to work sustainably through the Environmental Contact Officer Network and staff led Green Teams in each office
- Uplift in reporting and monitoring of environmental aspects and impacts.
Baseline emissions are a record of greenhouse gases that have been produced in the past and were produced prior to the introduction of any strategies to reduce emissions. The baseline emissions from financial year 2022-23 are the reference point against which emissions reduction actions can be measured.
The baseline emissions for this plan focus on scope 1 and scope 2 emissions, consistent with the APS Net Zero 2030 target. Electricity-related emissions were calculated using the location-based method. The complete 2022-23 greenhouse gas emissions inventory tables for the ABS are presented in our 2022-23 annual report.
Baseline emissions from the 2022-23 financial year
- Scope 1 emissions 19.7 tCO₂e
- Scope 2 emissions 1,285.7 tCO₂e
- Total emissions 1,305.4 tCO₂e
In the development of this plan the ABS has been working with the Department of Finance, Climate Action in Government Operations – to ensure that this plan aligns with the Net Zero in Government Operations Strategy and the Commonwealth Climate Disclosure requirements.
The ABS is following the APS Net Zero 2030 target in full, as per the Net Zero in Government Operations Strategy. The target covers the entirety of our entity’s operations within Australia and its territories for scope 1 and scope 2 emissions, as described in the Strategy.
For the ABS to contribute to the achievement of the APS Net Zero 2030 target, targeted action on existing emissions reduction measures and the introduction of further or new measures is required. These actions are summarised in the following points, with further detail provided below:
- Procuring renewable electricity
- Improving building standards
- Transitioning the fleet vehicles to low emission vehicles
- Sustainable procurement
Additional actions are under consideration but will include a strong focus on sustainability during the design and construction of pending office fitouts. This includes but is not limited to use of recyclable and recycled products, lighting technologies, improved building/tenancy management systems, and consideration of assets environmental life-cycle.
Between now and 2030, 6 of the 9 leased properties have expiring leases, with Melbourne recently signed but alterations to the fitout pending. Each of these events provides an opportunity for the ABS to reduce its emissions and improve its environmental performance.
The ABS will take a holistic view with its property, seeking to exceed Australian Government requirements for environmental performance.
In consideration are:
- Working with other Agencies to collocate and share corporate spaces;
- Preference for high-performing buildings, good base building design, prioritising energy efficiency and fossil free buildings where available.
- Matching leased space to business requirements and maximising utility
- Continual development of the activity based working model
- Improved environmental controls of building services governing air conditioning, lighting, water, and waste management
- Consideration of assets and fitout environmental life-cycles and seeking extension asset life over replacement
- Consideration of contracted Companies operational environmental performance and their product offering
- Preference for reuse and adaption rather than replace
- Active management of the environmental operations of the tenancies
- Active and positive engagement with landlords through the Green Lease provisions.
Renewable electricity
Consider base building electrical supply and improved fitout designs and operations to reduce the electrical requirement of our tenancies. Review existing contracts in place and move to 100% renewable energy sources as soon as possible.
Consult with the Department of Finance to ensure participation in WoAG electricity procurement as per the Strategy and replace all electricity contracts with renewable electricity.
Excluding for Census and some short-term field activities, the long-term ABS leased fleet is 6 vehicles, 5 of which are hybrid electric vehicles.
Monitor the fleet size and look for opportunities to further reduce the number of leased vehicles and replace the non-electric/hybrid vehicle with a suitable environmentally friendly option as lease end.
The scale of 2026 Census operations will significantly impact the ABS annual environmental performance. Key impact areas are: building operations; paper forms; logistics; travel and fleet.
ABS will consider environmental impacts of the Census and focus on improvement since 2021. This includes:
- Strategies to support an increase in use of online form over paper forms. The ABS aims to reduce paper form usage from 21.1% to 15% for the 2026 Census.
- Seek to use existing ABS and APS properties for Census delivery and support, with any new sites having as short as possible lease periods, reuse of existing fit out and located to minimise travel time for users and suppliers.
- Logistics strategies that minimise movement of Census products across Australia and multiple trips to same sites.
- Implement plans for re-use and recycling of assets and paper products at end-of-use.
- Seek to reduce travel through use of electronic engagement and communications.
- Ensure fleet is as small and environmentally low impact as possible.