Retail Trade Replacement Program – Monthly Business Turnover Indicator


Enhancements to the Monthly Household Spending Indicator (MHSI) and Monthly Business Turnover Indicator (MBTI) will enable the ABS to stop the Retail Trade publication on 30 July 2025, providing users with a more comprehensive view on household consumption and eliminating the need for businesses to respond to the Retail Business Survey. Further details including the timeline of changes and frequently asked questions is available in Future cessation of the Retail Business Survey and Retail Trade Publication.

Additional outputs and changes released for MBTI in March 2024

Additional outputs and changes were released on 13 March 2024, including:

  • Indexes for 41 ANZSIC subdivisions.
  • Aggregate index representing the sum of the 13 in-scope ANZSIC industry divisions.
  • Changes to the seasonal adjustment method with ANZSIC division estimates now derived by summing up subdivision-level data.


If you have a question about the cessation of the Retail Business Survey, or if you are interested in being part of the conversation about the enhancements to the Monthly Household Spending Indicator, Monthly Business Turnover Indicator or Household Final Consumption Expenditure, please email To submit anonymous feedback please click the green Feedback button on the right hand side of this page.