The Business Register is a list of all employing businesses operating in Australia and which provides goods and services. The term 'business' is taken to mean a legal entity such as :
- sole proprietor
- partnership
- registered company
- trust
- religious organisation
- government department
- other legally recognised organisation
Data items available are:
- type of industry
- geographic location
- type of legal organisation
- employment
- estimated value of agricultural operation
State, SD, SSD, SLA, postcode
A snapshot of the Business Register is taken annually.
The Business Register is not recommended as a source of time-series data. Inaccurate and misleading conclusions may be drawn due to changes in classifications, definitions and Business Register updating practices over time.
Products and services available
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A specialised data service is available. Data can be transferred to various spreadsheet packages such as Lotus 1-2-3 and Excel. Hardcopy reports are also available. For more information, please contact our Information Services team.