Contents Message from the NSW Regional Director - Ian Ewing A new Statistician Environmental issues: People's views and practices Ten years of population estimates - A time series from 1996 to 2006 Regional Wage and Salary Earner Statistics, Australia What do we want to know about Pubs, Clubs, Taverns, Libraries, Museums, and Legal Practices? More ABS data free online Child Employment Indigenous Community Engagement - Summary Booklet Of Health Findings Review of the Australian Standard Geographic Classification (ASGC) Order your customised Census tables now Census population estimates Work-related injuries in NSW A new snapshot of Australian life... Sun, sand, surf, ice and Year Books Who volunteers? Who gives donations? Upcoming newsletter to provide national coverage with a regional focus Using statistics to meet your business needs SuperTABLES - Data manipulation made simple ABS New South Wales contacts Selected releases January to March 2007 Selected releases April to June 2007
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