Key economic indicators

Measures of economic performance including national and international accounts, prices, labour force and lending indicators

All data is seasonally adjusted data unless stated otherwise.

Trend series suspended as at March 2019 due to the impacts of COVID-19.

National accounts

IndicatorPeriodUnitValueChange previous periodChange same period last year
Gross domestic product GDP, Chain volume measures - seasonally adjustedDec Qtr 2024$m658,4950.6%1.3%

International accounts

IndicatorPeriodUnitValueChange previous periodChange same period last year
Balance on goods - seasonally adjustedJanuary 2025$m5,620nana
Total goods credits - seasonally adjustedJanuary 2025$m44,5321.3%-2.4%
Total goods debits - seasonally adjustedJanuary 2025$m-38,912-0.3%7.4%
Balance on current account - seasonally adjustedDec Qtr 2024$m-12,547nana
Net International Investment Position (IIP) - originalDec Qtr 2024$m653,166-8.6%-20.2%
Net foreign debt - originalDec Qtr 2024$m1,388,6317.0%15.4%
Goods and services credits, Chain volume measures - seasonally adjustedDec Qtr 2024$m180,1220.7%1.7%
Goods and services debits, Chain volume measures - seasonally adjustedDec Qtr 2024$m-156,3420.1%5.8%

Consumption and investment

IndicatorPeriodUnitValueChange previous periodChange same period last year
Retail turnover, at current prices - seasonally adjustedJanuary 2025$m37,076.40.3%3.8%
Actual new capital expenditure, in volume terms - seasonally adjustedDec qtr 2024$m$43,961 million-0.2%0.6%
Inventories held by private businesses, in volume terms - seasonally adjustedDec qtr 2024$m228,3430.1%1.3%


IndicatorPeriodUnitValueChange previous periodChange same period last year
Income from sales of goods and services by manufacturers, in volume terms - seasonally adjustedDec qtr 2024$m106,651-2.3%-3.7%
Dwelling unit approvals - seasonally adjustedJanuary 2025no.16,5796.3%21.7%
Building approvals - seasonally adjustedJanuary 2025$m14,730.0-6.9%11.6%
Total dwelling units commenced - seasonally adjustedSep qtr 2024no.43,2474.6%13.9%
Building work done, Chain volume measures - seasonally adjustedDec qtr 2024$m38,297.9-0.7%-0.7%
Engineering construction work done, Chain volume measures - seasonally adjustedDec qtr 2024$m35,639.01.8%4.6%


IndicatorPeriodUnitValueChange previous periodChange same period last year
Consumer price index (2011-12 = 100.0) - originalDec 2024 QtrIndex no.139.40.2%2.4%
Producer price indexes, Final demand (2011-12 = 100.0) - originalDec Qtr 2024Index No.133.00.8%3.7%
Import price index (2011-12 = 100.0) - originalDec Qtr 2024Index no.131.50.2%-1.9%
Export price index (2011-12 = 100.0) - originalDec Qtr 2024Index no.158.23.6%-8.6%
Wage price index (2008-09 = 100.0) - originalDec Qtr 2024Index no.154.10.7%3.2%

Labour force and demography

IndicatorPeriodUnitValueChange previous periodChange same period last year
Employed persons - seasonally adjustedJanuary 2025'00014,634.344.0498.3
Participation rate - seasonally adjustedJanuary 2025%67.30.2 pts0.8 pts
Unemployment rate - seasonally adjustedJanuary 2025%4.10.1 pts0.0 pts
Employment to population ratio - seasonally adjustedJanuary 2025%64.60.1 pts0.8 pts
Job vacancies - seasonally adjustedNovember 2024'000344.04.2%-10.3%
Estimated resident population - (preliminary)Jun qtr 2024'00027,
Short-term overseas visitor arrivals - original (b)December 2024'000945.335.9%7.8%


IndicatorPeriodUnitValueChange previous periodChange same period last year
Company gross operating profits, at current prices - seasonally adjustedDec qtr 2024$m130,3615.9%-6.2%
Average weekly ordinary time earnings, full-time adultsNov 2024$1,975.802.7%4.6%

NA - not available

NP - not published

. . not applicable or not available

(a) Annualised estimate from the latest available quarterly publication.

(b) Trend series estimates suspended as at February 2020 due to the impacts of COVID-19. Original series now provided.

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