Fully and partially engaged in work and/or study
A person who is either working full-time, studying full-time, or both working and studying is fully engaged. A person who is working part-time only, or studying part-time only, is partially engaged. This includes those enrolled in school.
In 2024:
- Just over 12 million people (61%) aged 15-74 years were fully engaged in work, study, or both
- 71% of men were fully engaged
- 51% of women were fully engaged.
1. Fully engaged in work and/or study, by age groups and sex(a)
(a) All persons aged 15-74 years.
Source: Education and Work, Australia, 2024, Table 16
People aged 15-24 years were the most likely to be fully engaged in work and/or study (81%) with similar proportions for both males and females (both 81%).
Of people aged 15-24 years, 11% were partially engaged in work or study.
2. People aged 15-24 years engaged in work and/or study, by sex(a)
(a) Includes school level study.
Source: Education and Work, Australia, 2024, Table 15
The proportion of people aged 15-24 years who were fully engaged ranged from 88% in the Australian Capital Territory to 76% in Queensland.
3. People aged 15-24 years fully engaged in work and/or study, by state and territory
Source: Education and Work, Australia, 2024, Table 16
In 2024, of people aged 15-24 years:
- 51% were fully engaged primarily through full-time study compared with 49% in 2023
- 25% were fully engaged primarily through full-time work compared with 28% in 2023.
Not engaged in work or study
- 9% of all people aged 15-24 years were not engaged in any work or study in 2024, similar to 2023.
4. People aged 15-24 years not engaged in work or study(a)
(a) Includes school level study.
Source: Education and Work, Australia, 2024, Table 15