2901.0 - Census of Population and Housing: Census Dictionary, 2016
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 23/08/2016
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Place of Work (POWP) Place of Work data provide information on where a person goes to work. The address of the person's workplace in the week prior to Census night is coded to a Destination Zone (DZN). DZN boundaries have been designed by the ABS following consultation with each State/Territory Transport Authority. DZNs are aggregated from 2016 Mesh Blocks. Destination Zones do not concord with Statistical Areas Level 1 (SA1s) but they do aggregate to Statistical Areas Level 2 (SA2s), and it is at the SA2 level that Place of Work data can be used in conjunction with other aggregated Census data. Data at DZN level will be available in the Census TableBuilder product. For the 2016 Census, Working Population data will be available through Community Profiles and DataPacks. Customised tables of Place of Work data can be obtained through ABS Information Consultancy; they can be specified as flow tables of journey to work data containing both origin (place of enumeration or place of usual residence) and destination (place of work) data. Another change for 2016 is that persons that provided partial or no information about their place of work will have a place of work (Destination Zone) imputed to them. Imputed records can be identified by using the Imputation Flag for Place of Work (IFPOWP) in combination with Place of Work (POWP). Journey to work data are used by transport authorities, associated bodies, organisations and other interested people to plan public transport systems, and for the development and release of residential and commercial land. Place of Work data have been produced from Australian Censuses since 1971. Because of changes and growth in the urban areas of states and territories, destination zones are not necessarily the same each Census. Question 41 on the 2016 paper Census Household Form asks, 'For the main job held last week, what was the person's workplace address?'. This address is coded to a destination zone within the detailed Place of Work or to an SA2. Journey to work origin and destination data can be cross classified with Method of Travel to Work (MTWP) to identify urban transport patterns. However, users should be aware of the difference in the time period covered by these variables. People employed in the week prior to the Census but no longer employed on Census day still appear in Place of Work data. See also Address, Derivations and imputations, Employee, Labour Force Status (LFSP).