ABS short name: PSN_POSTCODE
ABS Template reference (Child URL): Column S
METeOR Technical name: Address - Australian Postcode, code (Postcode datafile) {NNNN}
METeOR identifier: 429894
METeOR link: <>
METeOR definition: The numeric descriptor for a postal delivery area, aligned with locality, suburb or place for the address of a person.
Inclusions: For all children enrolled in a preschool program include:
- The postcode of the child's parent or guardian, with whom the child spends the majority of their time.
- The postcode for a post office box of the child's parent or guardian.
- The postcode of any other parent or guardian of the child that is not the parent or guardian with whom the child spends the majority of their time.
- Children not enrolled in a preschool program.
Underlying Concepts
Concept: Postcode.
Nominal definition: The postcode component of a child's address that identifies the child's place of usual residence.
Operational definition: The postcode component of a child's parent or guardian's address, that identifies where the child's parent or guardian lives, reported for the parent or guardian with whom the child spends the majority of their time.
Supporting data elements: The following data elements are used in conjunction with Australian Postcode to geo-code an address to Collection District (CD) Statistical area level 1 (SA1) and Mesh Block (MB) for the data elements
Area of usual residence - ASGC 2006 (Collection District), Statistical area level 1 (SA1) ASGS 2011 and
Area of usual residence (Mesh Block) ASGS 2011. This data element can also be used to validate CD codes, SA1 and MB codes or other supplied address data elements.
Australian Postcode can also be used to validate CD codes, SA1 and MB codes or other supplied address data elements.
Conceptual issues:
- The Postcode for the child should be reported using the concept of 'usual residence', which is nominally defined as 'the place where the person has or intends to live for 6 months or more'.
- Operationally, the address details of the child's parent or guardian are recorded as it is assumed that the child lives with the parent or guardian. It is not operationally possible to confirm whether or not the address provided on the service provider records is the place that the parent or guardian has or intends to live for 6 months or more, in accordance with the nominal definition of 'usual residence'.
Standard Jurisdictional Output Categories
Classification scheme: Postcode datafile
Representation class: Code
Data type: Number
Format: {NNNN}, for example: 5118
Maximum character length: 4
Supplementary values:
 | Edit specifications | Edit resolution |
1. | If field is blank. | Provide a valid Australian postcode. |
2. | If postcode is required to be concealed. | Amend to '0' = Concealed if required.. |
3. | If field contains text or character length greater than or
less than 4 numbers. | Provide a valid Australian postcode. Ensure that NT postcodes are prefixed with '0'.. |
Guide for Use
If a jurisdiction is able to accurately code complete address information for CD, SA1 and MB, there is no requirement to provide this data element. However, if jurisdictions do not provide Postcode in addition to CD, SA1 and MB codes, detailed information on jurisdictional geo-coding processes and validations should be provided to the ABS.
Counting rules:
- Postcode should reflect the place of usual residence of the parent or guardian with whom the child spends the majority of their time, as specified on the child's enrolment form.
- If the child spends 50% with one parent/guardian and 50% with the other, record the first postcode recorded.
- Include those children who are living outside of the jurisdiction's borders, if the child attends preschool within the jurisdiction. For example, a child living in Queanbeyan that attends a preschool in Canberra would be recorded within the ACT jurisdictional data set, not the NSW data set.
- For children boarding at a boarding school, report the postcode of the child's parent or guardian, not the boarding school.
Classification Definitions
CODE 0 – Concealed Record
For use when the address of the child's parent or guardian is concealed/withheld to protect the child’s identity.
Other Information
Related aggregate data elements: No related aggregate data element.