| Issue | Doc Type | Order | Title | Release Date | Status | |
LGA45540 | |
LGA45680 | |
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LGA75000 | |
LGA75050 | |
LGA79399 | |
LGA8 | |
LGA89399 | |
No Product No. | |
| March Quarter | |
| 10 August 2020 | |
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| Aug 2002 | |
| Jun 2002 | |
| May 2002 | |
| 2002 | |
| 2002-2006 | |
| Dec 2001 | |
| Aug 2001 | |
| Jul 2001 | |
| | Media Release | 1 | What's new on the 2001 Census form (Media Release) | 07/30/2001 | Previous | |
| | Media Release | 2 | The Census and public confidentialty (Media Release) | 07/31/2001 | Previous | |
| | Media Release | 3 | One month to Census Day (Media Release) | 07/06/2001 | Previous | |
| | Media Release | 4 | Official commencement - 2001 Census (Media Release) | 07/19/2001 | Previous | |
| | Media Release | 5 | Invitation: A chance to become part of Australian history (Media Release) | 07/10/2001 | Previous | |
| | Media Release | 6 | Family historians ask Australia to tick 'yes' in Census Time Capsule (Media Release) | 07/11/2001 | Previous | |
| | Media Release | 7 | Australians overseas not in the big count (Media Release) | 07/31/2001 | Previous | |
| | Media Release | 8 | Census fun in Australian schools (Media Release) | 07/23/2001 | Previous | |
| | Media Release | 9 | Australian Statistician delivers first Census forms (Media Release) | 07/26/2001 | Previous | |
| | Media Release | 10 | Agricultural Census forms already rolling in (Media Release) | 07/02/2001 | Previous | |
| | Media Release | 11 | ABS Fun Run - Results (Media Release) | 07/04/2001 | Previous | |
| | Media Release | 12 | 30,000 strong Census workforce prepare for the big campaign (Media Release) | 07/16/2001 | Previous | |
| | Media Release | 13 | 2001 Census: Media Background Information (Media Release) | 07/06/2001 | Previous | |
| | Media Release | 14 | 2001 Census underway (Media Release) | 07/25/2001 | Previous | |
| | Media Release | 15 | 2001 Census forms are on the way to every Canberran (Media Release) | 07/26/2001 | Previous | |
| | Media Release | 16 | 2001 Census form delivery begins in earnest tomorrow (Media Release) | 07/27/2001 | Previous | |
| | Media Release | 17 | 2001 Census - Wednesday launch (Media Release) | 07/24/2001 | Previous | |
| | Media Release | 18 | 2001 Agricultural Census: time to send back responses (Media Release) | 07/16/2001 | Previous | |
| Jun 2001 | |
| May 2001 | |
| Apr 2001 | |
| Mar 2001 | |
| Feb 2001 | |
| Nov 2000 | |
| Oct 2000 | |
| Sep 2000 | |
| Aug 2000 | |
| Jul 2000 | |
| May 2000 | |
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| 2000-2004 | |
| Dec 1999 | |
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<a href=http://www.business.gov.au>For other business information visit www.business.gov.au</a> | |