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| June 2013 | |
| | Abbreviations | 1 | Abbreviations | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Appendix | 1 | List of Electronic Tables (Appendix) | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Data Cubes | 1 | Building Approvals: Data Items Available by Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Data Cubes | 2 | NSW, SA2 Excel datacube 2011-2012 | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Data Cubes | 3 | NSW, SA2 Excel datacube 2012-2013 | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Data Cubes | 4 | NSW, LGA Excel datacube, 2012-2013 | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Data Cubes | 5 | VIC, SA2 Excel datacube 2011-2012 | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Data Cubes | 6 | VIC, SA2 Excel datacube 2012-2013 | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Data Cubes | 7 | VIC, LGA Excel datacube, 2012-2013 | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Data Cubes | 8 | QLD, SA2 Excel datacube 2011-2012 | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Data Cubes | 9 | QLD, SA2 Excel datacube 2012-2013 | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Data Cubes | 10 | QLD, LGA Excel datacube, 2012-2013 | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Data Cubes | 11 | SA, SA2 Excel datacube 2011-2012 | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Data Cubes | 12 | SA, SA2 Excel datacube 2012-2013 | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Data Cubes | 13 | SA, LGA Excel datacube, 2012-2013 | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Data Cubes | 14 | WA, SA2 Excel datacube 2011-2012 | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Data Cubes | 15 | WA, SA2 Excel datacube 2012-2013 | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Data Cubes | 16 | WA, LGA Excel datacube, 2012-2013 | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Data Cubes | 17 | TAS, SA2 Excel datacube 2011-2012 | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Data Cubes | 18 | TAS, SA2 Excel datacube 2012-2013 | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Data Cubes | 19 | TAS, LGA Excel datacube, 2012-2013 | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Data Cubes | 20 | NT, SA2 Excel datacube 2011-2012 | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Data Cubes | 21 | NT, SA2 Excel datacube 2012-2013 | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Data Cubes | 22 | NT, LGA Excel datacube, 2012-2013 | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Data Cubes | 23 | ACT, SA2 Excel datacube 2011-2012 | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Data Cubes | 24 | ACT, SA2 Excel datacube 2012-2013 | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Data Cubes | 25 | ACT, LGA Excel datacube, 2012-2013 | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Data Cubes | 26 | Building Approvals: Data Cubes Validation Table | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Data Cubes | 95 | Number and Value ($m) of Approvals, States and Territories | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Data Cubes | 100 | Statistical Area Level 2: New South Wales | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Data Cubes | 102 | Local Government Area: New South Wales, 2012-2013 | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Data Cubes | 104 | Statistical Area Level 2: Victoria | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Data Cubes | 106 | Local Government Area: Victoria, 2012-2013 | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Data Cubes | 108 | Statistical Area Level 2: Queensland | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Data Cubes | 110 | Local Government Area: Queensland, 2012-2013 | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Data Cubes | 112 | Statistical Area Level 2: South Australia | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Data Cubes | 114 | Local Government Area: South Australia, 2012-2013 | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Data Cubes | 116 | Statistical Area Level 2: Western Australia | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Data Cubes | 118 | Local Government Area: Western Australia, 2012-2013 | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Data Cubes | 120 | Statistical Area Level 2: Tasmania | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Data Cubes | 122 | Local Government Area: Tasmania, 2012-2013 | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Data Cubes | 124 | Statistical Area Level 2: Northern Territory | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Data Cubes | 126 | Local Government Area: Northern Territory, 2012-2013 | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Data Cubes | 128 | Statistical Area Level 2: Australian Capital Territory | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Data Cubes | 130 | Local Government Area: Australian Capital Territory, 2012-2013 | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Details | | Main Features | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Explanatory Notes | 1 | Explanatory Notes | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Glossary | 1 | Glossary | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | I-Note | 1 | Data Cubes (I-Note) | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | I-Note | 95 | Number and Value ($m) of Approvals, States and Territories | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | I-Note | 116 | Statistical Area Level 2: Western Australia | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | I-Note | 124 | Statistical Area Level 2: Northern Territory | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Main Features | 1 | Main Features | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Main Features | 2 | Building Approvals,Australia | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Main Features | 3 | Dwelling Units Approved, State Trends | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Main Features | 9999 | About this Release | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Media Release | 1 | Private sector house approvals rise again in June (Media Release) | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Publication | 1 | Building Approvals, Australia | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Quality Declaration | 0 | Quality Declaration - Summary | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 20 | TABLE 01. Number of Dwelling Units Approved, by Sector, all series - New South Wales | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 40 | TABLE 02. Number of Dwelling Units Approved, by Sector, all series - Victoria | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 60 | TABLE 03. Number of Dwelling Units Approved, by Sector, all series - Queensland | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 80 | TABLE 04. Number of Dwelling Units Approved, by Sector, all series - South Australia | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 100 | TABLE 05. Number of Dwelling Units Approved, by Sector, all series - Western Australia | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 120 | TABLE 06. Number of Dwelling Units Approved, by Sector, all series - All Series - Australia | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 140 | TABLE 07. Total Number of Dwelling Units Approved - States and Territories | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 160 | TABLE 08. Number of Private Sector Houses Approved - States and Territories | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 180 | TABLE 09. Number of Dwelling Units Approved, Original, States and Territories | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 200 | TABLE 10. Number of Dwelling Units Approved, By Greater Capital City Statistical Area - Original | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 220 | TABLE 11. Number of Dwelling Units Approved, By Sector, Original - Australia | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 240 | TABLE 12. Number of Dwelling Units Approved, By Sector, Original - New South Wales | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 260 | TABLE 13. Number of Dwelling Units Approved, By Sector, Original - Victoria | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 280 | TABLE 14. Number of Dwelling Units Approved, By Sector, Original - Queensland | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 300 | TABLE 15. Number of Dwelling Units Approved, By Sector, Original - South Australia | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 320 | TABLE 16. Number of Dwelling Units Approved, By Sector, Original - Western Australia | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 340 | TABLE 17. Number of Dwelling Units Approved, By Sector, Original - Tasmania | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 360 | TABLE 18. Number of Dwelling Units Approved, By Sector, Original - Northern Territory | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 380 | TABLE 19. Number of Dwelling Units Approved, By Sector, Original - Australian Capital Territory | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 400 | TABLE 20. Number of Dwelling Units Approved in New Residential Buildings, Original - Australia | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 420 | TABLE 21. Value of Dwelling Units Approved in New Residential Buildings, Original, Australia | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 440 | TABLE 22. Dwelling Units Approved in New Residential Buildings, Number and Value, Original - New South Wales | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 460 | TABLE 23. Dwelling Units Approved in New Residential Buildings, Number and Value, Original - Victoria | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 480 | TABLE 24. Dwelling Units Approved in New Residential Buildings, Number and Value, Original - Queensland | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 500 | TABLE 25. Dwelling Units Approved in New Residential Buildings, Number and Value, Original - South Australia | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 520 | TABLE 26. Dwelling Units Approved in New Residential Buildings, Number and Value, Original - Western Australia | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 540 | TABLE 27. Dwelling Units Approved in New Residential Buildings, Number and Value, Original - Tasmania | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 560 | TABLE 28. Dwelling Units Approved in New Residential Buildings, Number and Value, Original - Northern Territory | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 580 | TABLE 29. Dwelling Units Approved in New Residential Buildings, Number and Value, Original - Australian Capital Territory | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 600 | TABLE 30. Value of Building Approved - New South Wales | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 620 | TABLE 31. Value of Building Approved - Victoria | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 640 | TABLE 32. Value of Building Approved - Queensland | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 660 | TABLE 33. Value of Building Approved - South Australia | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 680 | TABLE 34. Value of Building Approved - Western Australia | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 700 | TABLE 35. Value of Building Approved - Tasmania | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 720 | TABLE 36. Value of Building Approved - Northern Territory | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 740 | TABLE 37. Value of Building Approved - Australian Capital Territory | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 760 | TABLE 38. Value of Building Approved - Australia | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 780 | TABLE 39. Value of Total Building Approved - States and Territories | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 800 | TABLE 40. Value of Residential Building Approved - States and Territories | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 820 | TABLE 41. Value of Non-residential Building Approved - States and Territories | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 840 | TABLE 42. Value of Building Approved, By Sector, Original - Australia | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 860 | TABLE 43. Value of Building Approved, By Sector, Original - New South Wales | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 880 | TABLE 44. Value of Building Approved, By Sector, Original - Victoria | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 900 | TABLE 45. Value of Building Approved, By Sector, Original - Queensland | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 920 | TABLE 46. Value of Building Approved, By Sector, Original - South Australia | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 940 | TABLE 47. Value of Building Approved, By Sector, Original - Western Australia | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 960 | TABLE 48. Value of Building Approved, By Sector, Original - Tasmania | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 980 | TABLE 49. Value of Building Approved, By Sector, Original - Northern Territory | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 1000 | TABLE 50. Value of Building Approved, By Sector, Original - Australian Capital Territory | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 1020 | TABLE 51. Value of Non-residential Building Approved, By Sector, Original - Australia | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 1040 | TABLE 52. Value of Non-residential Building Approved, By Sector, Original - New South Wales | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 1060 | TABLE 53. Value of Non-residential Building Approved, By Sector, Original - Victoria | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 1080 | TABLE 54. Value of Non-residential Building Approved, By Sector, Original - Queensland | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 1100 | TABLE 55. Value of Non-residential Building Approved, By Sector, Original - South Australia | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 1120 | TABLE 56. Value of Non-residential Building Approved, By Sector, Original - Western Australia | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 1140 | TABLE 57. Value of Non-residential Building Approved, By Sector, Original - Tasmania | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 1160 | TABLE 58. Value of Non-residential Building Approved, By Sector, Original - Northern Territory | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 1180 | TABLE 59. Value of Non-residential Building Approved, By Sector, Original - Australian Capital Territory | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 1200 | TABLE 60. Number of Non-residential Building Jobs Approved, by Value Range, Original - New South Wales | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 1220 | TABLE 61. Number of Non-residential Building Jobs Approved, by Value Range, Original - Victoria | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 1240 | TABLE 62. Number of Non-residential Building Jobs Approved, by Value Range, Original - Queensland | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 1260 | TABLE 63. Number of Non-residential Building Jobs Approved, by Value Range, Original - South Australia | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 1280 | TABLE 64. Number of Non-residential Building Jobs Approved, by Value Range, Original - Western Australia | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 1300 | TABLE 65. Number of Non-residential Building Jobs Approved, by Value Range, Original - Tasmania | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 1320 | TABLE 66. Number of Non-residential Building Jobs Approved, by Value Range, Original - Northern Territory | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 1340 | TABLE 67. Number of Non-residential Building Jobs Approved, by Value Range, Original - Australian Capital Territory | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 1360 | TABLE 68. Number of Non-residential Building Jobs Approved, by Value Range, Original - Australia | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 1380 | TABLE 69. Value of Non-residential Building Approved, by Value Range, Original - New South Wales | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 1400 | TABLE 70. Value of Non-residential Building Approved, by Value Range, Original - Victoria | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 1420 | TABLE 71. Value of Non-residential Building Approved, by Value Range, Original - Queensland | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 1440 | TABLE 72. Value of Non-residential Building Approved, by Value Range, Original - South Australia | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 1460 | TABLE 73. Value of Non-residential Building Approved, by Value Range, Original - Western Australia | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 1480 | TABLE 74. Value of Non-residential Building Approved, by Value Range, Original - Tasmania | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 1500 | TABLE 75. Value of Non-residential Building Approved, by Value Range, Original - Northern Territory | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 1520 | TABLE 76. Value of Non-residential Building Approved, by Value Range, Original - Australian Capital Territory | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 1540 | TABLE 77. Value of Non-residential Building Approved, by Value Range, Original - Australia | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 1560 | TABLE 78. Value of Building Approved, Chain Volume Measures - Australia | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 1580 | TABLE 79. Value of Building Approved, Chain Volume Measures, Original - New South Wales | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 1600 | TABLE 80. Value of Building Approved, Chain Volume Measures, Original - Victoria | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 1620 | TABLE 81. Value of Building Approved, Chain Volume Measures, Original - Queensland | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 1640 | TABLE 82. Value of Building Approved, Chain Volume Measures, Original - South Australia | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 1660 | TABLE 83. Value of Building Approved, Chain Volume Measures, Original - Western Australia | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 1680 | TABLE 84. Value of Building Approved, Chain Volume Measures, Original - Tasmania | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 1700 | TABLE 85. Value of Building Approved, Chain Volume Measures, Original - Northern Territory | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | Time Series Spreadsheet | 1720 | TABLE 86. Value of Building Approved, Chain Volume Measures, Original - Australian Capital Territory | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
| | What If | 1 | What If | 07/30/2013 | Previous |  |
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