Australian Marriage Law Postal Survey

The Treasurer, under the Census and Statistics Act 1905, has directed the Australian Statistician to request statistical information from all Australians on the Commonwealth Electoral Roll, as to their views on whether or not the law should be changed to allow same sex couples to marry.

The ABS will undertake the statistical collection under the authority of the Census and Statistics Act 1905 to safeguard the secrecy of the data. The voluntary survey will cover all Australians on the electoral roll. All Australians on the roll (or those who've made a valid request for enrolment) by 24 August 2017 will receive the necessary documentation to enable them to participate.

The ABS has released details on the process to be followed for the Australian Marriage Law Postal Survey and has provided more details, including supporting participation by all eligible Australians (including those without access to mail, vision impaired, overseas etc).

The ABS assures Australians that all materials will be destroyed by the ABS at the end of processing.

The ABS has formed a Taskforce to deliver the survey and will publish the results by 15 November. The survey Taskforce includes staff from the Australian Electoral Commission seconded under ABS legislation.

The Australian Marriage Law Postal Survey Information Line, 1800 572 113, is open seven days a week, 8am to 8pm (local time).