Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC)
Minor revision to ANZSIC. For use in the collection, publication and analysis of industry statistics.
The Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) 2006 (cat. no. 1292.0) was released in February 2006. As a result of using this new classification in statistical collections, the ABS identified some areas where clarifications are needed.
Revisions to ANZSIC 2006 are shown in this release. The revisions to ANZSIC 2006 are minor, maintaining the scope, concepts and structure. It concentrates on the revision of primary activities to capture new and emerging activities, clarifies class definitions to overcome practical difficulties in implementation and corrects minor errors and omissions.
The minor revisions facilitate the consistent interpretation of the classification by all concerned and allow the inclusion of activities, especially for industries that are subject to frequent changes (e.g. information technology).
The Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) has been developed for use in the compilation and analysis of industry statistics in Australia and New Zealand.
The Australian Bureau of Statistics and Statistics New Zealand jointly developed this classification to improve the comparability of industry statistics between the two countries and with the rest of the world.
This 2006 edition of the ANZSIC replaces the 1993 edition, which was the first version produced. Prior to then, Australia and New Zealand developed separate standard industry classifications. ANZSIC 2006 reflects the outcomes of a substantial review of the classification, which included extensive consultation with users of the classification, such as government agencies responsible for policy formulation and administration, and non-government analysts of industry structure and performance.
The purpose of the review was to ensure that the classification remained current and relevant, reflecting the changes that have occurred in the structure and composition of industry since the previous edition and recognising changing user requirements for data classified to industry.
The conceptual framework underpinning the ANZSIC has been more rigorously and consistently applied in this edition. The publication includes detailed explanations of the classification principles and the treatments of certain types of activities.
International comparability has been enhanced by aligning the classification, as far as possible, with the upcoming revision of the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) (Revision 4).
We gratefully acknowledge the assistance provided by many individuals and organisations in Australia and New Zealand in the review of the ANZSIC. We encourage other organisations to use the classification to improve the comparability and usefulness of industry statistics generally.
Dennis Trewin Brian Pink
Australian Statistician Government Statistician
Australian Bureau of Statistics, Statistics New Zealand
February 2006