The ABS will be closed from 12.00pm, 24 December 2024 and will reopen at 9.00am, 2 January 2025. During this time there will be no statistical releases and our support functions will be unavailable. The ABS wishes you a safe and happy Christmas.

Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers

Ready to start your survey now?

Click the link below to create your ABS Survey Account and start your survey.

Contact us

For help or more information about this survey, please call us on 1800 655 107 during business hours. For help outside these hours, please leave a message with your contact details and we will return your call as soon as possible.

Purpose of the survey

This is an important national survey that collects information about the health of people in Australia.

Your participation is an opportunity to make a real difference. The information you provide will contribute to important decisions being made for your local area and the wider Australian community. These decisions relate to the planning and provision of services for carers, people who experience health conditions or disability, and the needs of an ageing population. To find out more about this survey, please see our Frequently Asked Questions below.

Thank you. We acknowledge and value your time and effort participating in this survey. It is only with the support of people like you that we can continue to produce the statistics that inform Australia's important decisions.

Frequently asked questions

I've been chosen to be in the Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers – what is this?

How is the information from this survey used and why is it important?

Why was my household selected?

Who in my household will be required to participate?

How do I complete the survey?

What kinds of questions will you ask?

Will my information be used to inform the Royal Commission/s?

Is the survey compulsory?

How do I know the person contacting me is from the ABS?

Will I be paid for my time?

What happens if there are people in my household who don't speak English?

How will you keep my information safe, secure and confidential?

Will the information I provide be combined with other data?

I'm having trouble registering for the survey online – where can I find help?

Who can I contact for more information?

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