Survey Participant Information - FAQs

What is the authority for the survey?

ABS surveys are conducted under the authority of the Census and Statistics Act 1905.

Is the survey compulsory?

All ABS surveys are conducted under the authority of the Census and Statistics Act 1905. Initially you are being requested to answer the questions, but if the Australian Statistician directs you in writing to provide the information, you are legally obliged to do so.

Will the ABS preserve the confidentiality of the information I provide?

Yes, the answers you provide will be treated confidentially. The Census and Statistics Act 1905 prohibits the disclosure of identifiable information of a personal or domestic nature and requires that information can only be published in a manner that is not likely to enable the identification of a particular person or organisation. The ABS's long-standing record for preserving the confidentiality of information provided to it is widely respected.

Will the information I supply be given to another government agency?

The legislation under which the ABS operates prohibits the disclosure of identifiable information of a personal or domestic nature under any circumstances. Information other than personal information may occasionally be released under the very restricted circumstances of a Ministerial determination. The determination provides for the disclosure of certain classes of information which are unlikely to be of concern to the respondents involved. Examples of information which can be disclosed under the determination include information which is already in the public domain or information disclosed with the consent of the respondent.

Will my information be combined with other information?

We collect, compile, hold and use information from surveys for statistical and research purposes as enabled by ABS legislation. In compiling statistics, the ABS may use information from surveys for data integration purposes. This involves combining data from two or more sources to create new statistics and insights about Australia, its population and economy. Where possible, the ABS re-uses previously collected information, because we know your time is valuable.

Do ABS surveys comply with the requirements of the Privacy Act 1988?

Yes, all ABS surveys comply with the requirements of the Privacy Act 1988. The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner also provides information about ABS surveys on their website.

Want to know more about Business Surveys?
Want to know more about Household Surveys?
Want to know more about ABS Legislation?

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