2006 Census of Population and Housing - Product Brief

MAPSTATS - cat no. 2063.0

The MapStats product is no longer available. For access to 2006 Census data, please visit the 2006 data page. TableBuilder Basic is a free online tool that you can use to build basic or complex tables using Census data.

Product Description

MapStats (previously named QuickMaps) are designed to provide users with quick and easy access to thematically mapped Census statistics. Output will be based on Place of Usual Residence. The maps will be available for larger geographies and will depict selected population, ethnicity, education, family, income, labour force and dwelling characteristics.

Users will have the opportunity to select a topic and a level of geographic disaggregation that best suits their needs wherever possible.

For each thematic map, a legend with a maximum of five classes have been used so that the viewer is able to distinguish each class clearly. Class intervals which reflect the distribution of the data are calculated using a 'Natural Break' method.

The 'Natural Break' method divides the data into classes based on the natural groups in the data distribution. It uses a statistical formula that calculates groupings of data values based on data distribution, and also seeks to reduce variance within groups and maximize variance between groups.

    The thematic maps contain identifiers for clients to recognise selected areas. Identifiers include main roads, rivers, airports and selected areas labelled. A scale bar is included on each map for reference. MapStats Templates

    Target Audience

    Clients of this product will range from novice users to clients who previously used the 2001 CDATA Quickbuild product.

    Geographic Availability

    Selected data, thematically map by
    = 1st & 2nd Release data available at this geographic level.
    = 2nd Release data available at this geographic level.
    Geographic Region
    ASGC Geographic Areas
    Australia - (Aust)
    State - (STE)
    Statistical Division - (SD)
    Statistical Subdivision - (SSD)
    Local Government Area - (LGA)
    Statistical Local Area - (SLA)
    Statistical Districts - (SDist)
    Urban Centre Locality - (UC/L)
    Census Geographic Areas
    Suburb – (SSC)
    Postal Area – (POA)
    Commonwealth Electoral Division – (CED)
    State Electoral Division – (SED)
    Indigenous Regions - (IREG)
    Previously called ATSIC Regions
    Indigenous Areas - (IARE)

    Output Format

    The 'MapStats' product will display a thematic map, showing the distribution of Census data for the chosen location.- (see below).
    Clients will be able to print these maps.

    Exporting Options

    Users will be able to export the thematic maps displayed in the 'MapStats' product, via the following formats:

      • Adobe Acrobat (.PDF files)
      • Portable Network Graphics (.PNG files)

    Anticipated Release Dates

    MapStats will be released in two phases.

      • First Release Maps: expected to be June 2007
      • Second Release Maps: expected to be October 2007

      • Free