2006 Census - Indigenous communities count

    Indigenous communities are being counted

    Statement by Head of the 2006 Census, Mr Paul Williams.

    There have been several press reports about Indigenous communities not being counted in the 2006 Census. This is not the case.

    All people in Australia, including those in Indigenous communities, will be counted in the Census.

    The following outlines how the Australian Bureau of Statistics goes about conducting the Census in these communities:

    • The ABS uses a more intensive and culturally appropriate method of enumeration in discrete communities than for the rest of the population. This method involves the employment and training of Indigenous people to undertake the enumeration, the use of special forms and procedures, including the use of interviewing rather than self-completion of the Census form. On average, in these communities, one Interviewer Collector collects from around ten households compared with the five hundred households covered by an urban Collector.
    • The timing of the conduct of the Census in these communities is determined after consultation with the community and takes into account cultural and other activities that might be taking place in the community, as well as the large distances that must be covered by ABS staff (most of whom are also Indigenous) who provide the training and support for the local community level enumeration.
    • The remote community strategy takes place over 6-8 weeks with communities being counted in the weeks before and after Census Night, rather than on Census Night.
    • Quite often the enumeration has to be rescheduled due to significant events such as a death in the community. In these cases, the ABS works closely with the community to determine an appropriate time.
    • This strategy was devised after extensive consultation with Australian, State and Territory Governments, Indigenous organisations and other interested parties.
    • The Population Census is the most important source of statistical information about the Indigenous population, and in particular of remote Indigenous communities and the ABS is committed to getting the most accurate possible count.
    • The ABS assures residents in Indigenous communities that they will be counted in the Census.