A regular newsletter providing informative comment and articles on the Census.
Census Update 37 - December 2005 informs readers about The Australian Bureau of Statistics turning 100 on 8 December 2005. On 8 December the Federal Treasurer, the Hon. Peter Costello announced the entire content of the ABS web site will be accessible free of charge via the internet from Monday 12 December 2005. Read how a number of major classifications for the 2006 Census have been reviewed and updated. The CensusAtSchool international project was launched on 20 October 2005. The ABS is looking at improving the relevance of Indigenous statistics and its dissemination and researchers and analysts recognised Confidential Unit Record Files (CURFs) as the most detailed statistical information available from the ABS.
Census of Population and Housing - 2005 Media Release. 8 Months to go until the Census of Population and Housing on 8 August 2006. To read more see Census of Population and Housing - Media Releases
Census Update 36 - August 2005 invites readers to participate in user consultation sessions regarding the proposed product suite for the 2006 Census Product range. There is also information about continuing plans for the 2006 Census, the new Data Processing Centre in Melbourne, the latest news regarding free Census publications on the web and more.
Census of Population and Housing - Census Media Releases now available from the one location!
For those seeking the latest Census information a recent change to the ABS web site means all Census Media Releases are now available from the one location. To view only the Census Media Releases go to Census Reference and Information on the Census Home Page and access the Media link. All Census Media Releases are grouped by year as far back as 1997/8.
Alternatively, the new Census Media Releases page can be accessed directly using the following link: Census of Population and Housing - Media Releases
Enhancing the Population Census: Developing a Longitudinal View
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has released a discussion paper Enhancing the Population Census: Developing a Longitudinal View about a proposal to enhance the value of 2006 Census of Population and Housing data by combining it over time with data from other censuses.
The proposal does not involve the ABS keeping name and address information from the census. As in past censuses, ABS will destroy any records containing name and address information once census processing is completed.
Census Fact Sheet - Changes planned for the 2006 Census
The five-yearly Census of Population and Housing is the largest statistical collection undertaken by the ABS. The Census aims to accurately measure the number of persons in Australia on Census Night, their key characteristics, and the dwellings in which they live. Australia's next Census, its fifteenth, will take place on 8 August 2006.