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Who is our 'Typical' Aussie?

11 April 2017

Thanks to the Census, we met lots of different Australians who are anything but typical.

Just eight months after Census night, we‘ve released a preview of the results, giving insight into what makes the ‘typical’ Australian at the national and state/territory level, ahead of the main release of Census data on 27 June 2017.

To see what we found out about the ‘typical’ Australian, visit our ’typical’ Australian profiles.

Time is running out to register for our free 2016 Census data seminars!

Seminars will be held across Australia from late June 2017, providing an overview of data and insights from the 2016 Census.

Register your interest today. More seminar details including dates and locations will be available on the ABS website in coming months.

Further information on the release schedule of the 2016 Census is also available on our website.


2016 Census data release schedule finalised

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