New Census article released
How do you use Census data?3 May 2013 Are you a Census data user? Is Census data essential to your work or studies? Do you use Census data at home? We would like to invite you to complete a survey regarding your usage of the 2011 Census data. The ABS is currently in the middle of planning for the 2016 Census. Part of this process includes an evaluation of the 2011 Census data usage to gain a better understanding of user needs both now and moving forward. By assessing the 2011 Census data usage in terms of volume, purpose and relevance we will be better equipped to ensure that data provided in 2016, and in future Censuses, will reflect the information needs of our users . The 2011 Census Data Usage Survey seeks information around what 2011 Census data you have used, for what purpose and how you used it. This information will be used to highlight key uses for the data, and to understand which topics are important to you. We would appreciate you taking the time to complete the survey. It will take approximately 25 minutes to complete. Please note that the survey is non-resumable and therefore must be completed in a single session. To access the survey, click on the following link or copy and paste the URL into your browser: The survey will remain open until Friday 17 May 2013 or until the maximum number of responses is reached. Responses recorded in this survey will remain confidential. |