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2006 Census data quality

Quality Declaration

The 2006 Census Data Quality Declaration includes information on the quality of Census data with regard to relevance, timeliness, accuracy, coherence, interpretability and accessibility.

Data Quality Statements

Data Quality Statements (cat. no. 2901.0) contain information about any known issues affecting the quality of data published in the 2006 Census.

2006 Non-response Rates

2006 Non-response Rates (cat. no. 2914.0.55.001) contains general information about the 2006 non-response rates for person and dwelling variables. It includes non-response rate tables for each state and territory, and the whole of Australia, for place of usual residence and place of enumeration.

2006 Census Undercounts

Census of Population and Housing - Details of Undercount, Aug 2006 (cat. no. 2940.0) presents estimates of net undercount for the 2006 Census.

Updates & corrections

2006 updates & corrections and 2006 DataPacks updates & corrections provide updates and corrections for 2006 Census data.

2006 Census Fact Sheets

2006 Census Fact Sheets (cat. no. 2914.0) summarise conceptual and data issues, and changes that have occurred since the last Census. Fact sheets are designed to assist in the use and interpretation of Census data.

2006 Census Household Form

Download a copy of the 2006 Census Household Form in PDF format (277KB).

2006 Census Dictionary

The 2006 Census Dictionary (cat. no. 2901.0) contains details of the classifications used in the 2006 Census, along with definitions of Census concepts and themes. The dictionary is a comprehensive reference guide that will help you determine and specify your data requirements.

Historical data quality

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For the latest information and statistics visit the ABS Website.