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2001 Census
reference & information

A range of 2001 Census reference information and documentation is available

2001 Census Dictionary

2001 Census Dictionary (cat. no. 2901.0) provides details of the classifications used in the 2001 Census, along with definitions of Census concepts and themes. The dictionary is a comprehensive reference guide that will help you determine and specify your data requirements.

Fact sheets and Census papers

2001 Census Fact Sheets (cat. no. 2970.0) 2001 Census Fact Sheets were produced in response to data issues as they arose.

2001 Census papers were produced to assess and report on various aspects of Census data quality.

The following fact sheets were also released at the time of the 2001 Census:

How Australia Takes a Census

How Australia Takes a Census, 2001 (cat. no. 2903.0) describes how the 2001 Census was planned, conducted and processed.

2001 Census Information Papers

The information papers provide background information on different aspects of the way the 2001 Census was conducted and which will also assist in the interpretation of 2001 Census data. The papers provide an explanation of conceptual and data issues, and present procedures used by the ABS in conducting the Census.

Other reference material

Download a copy of the 2001 Census Household Form in PDF format.

The Directory of Census Statistics (cat. no. 2910.0) describes range of products and services that were developed from the information collected during the 2001 Census. Note that some of these are no longer available - for more information, visit the 2001 Census data page.

Frequently Asked Questions provides answers to some of the more commonly asked questions about the 2001 Census.

Making the Most of Your Census was published in August 2002, providing information about the Community Profile Series and Classification Counts and assisting users in understanding these and other 2001 Census products and services. Some of the products and services are no longer available.

Census Update (cat. no. 2902.0) was a regular newsletter that provided informative commentary and articles on the Census.


2001 media releases lists the
media releases about the 2001 Census, published between 1999 and 2004.

Historical reference & information

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