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Media release –

Not at home Census night?

19 July 2011 | CO/27

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is encouraging everyone in Australia, including those travelling within Australia or working on Census night, Tuesday, 9 August 2011 to accurately complete a Census form.

Head of the Census Population program, Paul Lowe says the Census counts everyone in Australia on Census night whether they are working, partying or at home.

“If you can’t fill out a Census form on the night of 9 August, fill it out as soon as possible and answer the questions as if it were Census night,” Mr Lowe says.

The Census is a snapshot of the nation and counts people where they are on Census night. If you’re staying with relatives or friends on Census night, make sure you’re included on their form.

If someone in your household is staying somewhere else on Census night, they should only be included in question 53 which asks about people who are absent.

For the household member away from home, they should complete a Census form where they are staying on Census night to ensure they are counted.

If you are staying with friends or relatives temporarily, you should be included on their Census form. You can also ask your Collector or the call the Census Inquiry Service if you need more forms..

If you’re travelling remotely on Census night and will be sleeping or camping, “off the beaten track” collection points with Census packs are available – their locations are available by visiting the Census Collection Points Page or calling the Census Inquiry Service on 1300 338 776.

If you’re staying at a hotel, motel, hostel or any other type of accommodation service provider, they will have either a Census form or eCensus information which will allow you to complete the Census online.

If you are overseas on Census night, you do not need to complete the Census.

“Wherever you are in Australia on Census night the ABS has made it easy for you to complete the Census. Getting an accurate picture of Australia is critical to ensuring the success of the Census and helps light the way forward for facilities and services in your community ,” Mr Lowe says.

If there is no one staying at your house on Census night, you should call the CIS on 1300 338 776 so we can let your Census Collector know.

More information is available online at

Key Census dates:

  • 28 July 2011 – eCensus opens to the public.
  • 29 July 2011 – Distribution of Census forms begins.
  • 9 August 2011 – Census night.
  • From 10 August – Collection of Census forms.
  • June 2012 – The first results from the 2011 Census will be released.

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