PLIDA/MADIP Research Projects

Rename of MADIP to PLIDA

The Multi-Agency Data Integration Project (MADIP) was renamed the Person Level Integrated Data Asset (PLIDA) in 2023. Historical documents and projects retain their references to MADIP.

All projects that use PLIDA data must go through a rigorous assessment and approval process, managed by the ABS. Only authorised researchers will be granted access to de-identified PLIDA data for policy analysis, research, and statistical purposes.

All projects are assessed under the Five Safes Framework. For a project to be approved, the ABS and the data custodians (the agencies that collect the data) must agree to the proposed use of the data. The project must be assessed as being in the public interest and be in accordance with the legislation of the relevant agencies. All users are legally obliged to use data responsibly for approved purposes, comply with the conditions of access, and maintain confidentiality of data.

This page was last updated in February 2025, at that time there were 222 active projects using PLIDA.

To enquire about any of the projects listed below, including potential research collaboration, or to apply for access to PLIDA data, please email

Below is a list of approved research projects that use PLIDA data, listed under the following categories: 

The project summaries below were provided by the research teams.

Commonwealth Government


Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences

Australian Bureau of Statistics

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC)

Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

Australian Government Department of Defence

Australian Government Department of Education

Australian Government Department of Employment and Workplace Relations

Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care

Australian Government Department of Finance

Australian Government Department of Home Affairs

Australian Government Department of Industry, Science and Resources

Australian Government Department of Social Services

Australian Government Department of Veterans' Affairs

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare

Australian Institute of Family Studies

Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman

Bureau of Meteorology

Commonwealth Grants Commission

Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)

Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet

Geoscience Australia

Intellectual Property (IP) Australia

National Centre of Vocational Education Research

National Disability Insurance Agency

National Indigenous Australians Agency

Productivity Commission

Reserve Bank of Australia

Royal Commission

Safe Work Australia

The Murray-Darling Basin Authority

The Treasury

State Government

New South Wales Department of Communities and Justice

New South Wales Department of Education

New South Wales Department of Enterprise Investment and Trade

New South Wales Department of Industry

New South Wales Premier's Department

New South Wales Treasury

Northern Territory Government

Queensland Department of Tourism and Sport

Queensland Health

South Australian Department for Health and Wellbeing

South Australian Department of Human Services

South Australian Department of Industry, Innovation and Science

South Australian Department of the Premier and Cabinet

South Australian Department of Treasury and Finance

Tasmanian Department of Treasury and Finance

Victorian Department of Health

Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet

Victorian Department of Treasury and Finance

Victorian Skills Authority

Western Australian Department of Communities

Academic Institutions

Australian National University

Charles Darwin University

Charles Sturt University

Deakin University

Federation University Australia

Flinders University

Griffith University

Macquarie University

Monash University

Queensland University of Technology

Torrens University

Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT)

University of Adelaide

University of Canberra

University of Chicago

University of Melbourne

University of New England

University of New South Wales (UNSW)

University of Queensland

University of South Australia

University of Sydney

University of Tasmania

University of Technology Sydney

University of Western Australia

Victoria University

Western Sydney University

Private Institutions

Cancer Australia

Cancer Institute NSW

Canteen Australia

Emerging Minds Australia

E61 Institute

Grattan Institute

Nous Group

QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute

Regional Australia Institute

Telethon Kids Institute

Victorian Law Foundation

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