ABS Business and Household Survey Participation - Contact Page

Telephone Enquiry

If you have been selected to participate in one of our Business or Household Surveys and would like more information about your survey, you can contact the Australian Bureau of Statistics during business hours using the relevant number below. Calls to 1800 numbers are free from most fixed line phone services.

If you're looking for assistance with the online survey account, please see Survey Account Help.

Need to contact us about completing your Household Survey?

Use our Household Survey help request form to outline the details of your situation and your contact details, and we will be in touch.

Household SurveyPhone number
Monthly Population Survey1800 060 911
Monthly Population Survey - Special Selections1800 023 105


Need to contact us about completing your Business survey?

Use our Business Surveys Contact Form to outline the details of your situation and your contact details, and we will be in touch.

Business SurveyPhone number
Average Weekly Earnings1800 196 206
Building Activity Collection1800 650 316
Building Approvals1800 677 903
Business Characteristics Survey1800 681 979
Consumer Price Index Survey1800 179 691
Coverage Survey of International Trade in Services1800 020 536
Economic Activity Survey1800 010 223
Energy, Water and Environment Survey1800 882 362
Engineering Construction Survey1800 805 017
Environment Indicators Survey1800 882 362
International Trade in Services1800 151 196
Livestock Slaughtered1800 030 084
Mineral Exploration and Evaluation Survey1800 816 851
New Capital Expenditure1800 806 256
Petroleum Exploration and Evaluation Survey1800 816 851
Poultry and Game Birds Slaughtered1800 030 084
Quarterly Business Indicators Survey1800 642 149
Retail Business Survey1800 020 635
Retail Business Survey Contact Information1800 654 467
Retail Trade Margins - please note: the Retail Trade Margins Survey has been paused
indefinitely and no longer needs to be completed
1800 030 231
Short Survey of Employment Conditions1800 685 490
Survey of Australian Owned Foreign Businesses1800 206 696
Survey of Employee Earnings and Hours1800 805 797
Survey of Employment and Earnings1800 776 813
Survey of Financial Information1800 651 552
Survey of Foreign Currency Exposure1800 206 696
Survey of International Investment1800 678 770
Survey of Job Vacancies1800 622 235
Survey of Producer Prices1800 010 558
Survey of Research and Experimental Development, Businesses1800 818 909
Survey of Research and Experimental Development - Government and Private Non-Profit1800 089 494
Survey of Research and Experimental Development - Higher Education1800 809 767
Survey of Venture Capital & Later State Private Equity1800 882 430
Wage Price Index1800 238 335
Water Supply and Sewerage Services Survey1800 066 744


For help submitting a data file

If you have been asked to submit data files via Informatica or the Secure Deposit Box and need assistance, visit Submitting data files to the ABS or call 1800 208 683 (+61 2 6252 8614 from overseas). 

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