Top 5 countries of birth (excluding Australia)

Based on place of usual residence. Excludes overseas visitors.
Source: Country of birth of person (BPLP)
Information on country of birth, year of arrival, ancestry, language and religion
Based on place of usual residence. Excludes overseas visitors.
Source: Country of birth of person (BPLP)
Country | Census population count |
England | 927,490 |
India | 673,352 |
China (excludes SARs and Taiwan) | 549,618 |
New Zealand | 530,492 |
Philippines | 293,892 |
Source: Country of birth of person (BPLP)
1996 | 2016 | 2021 | |
Christian | 12,582,764 | 12,201,600 | 11,148,814 |
Other religions(b) | 652,218 | 1,920,835 | 2,538,587 |
No Religion(c) | 2,948,888 | 7,040,717 | 9,886,957 |
Total | 17,752,829 | 23,401,892 | 25,422,788 |
Source: Religious affiliation (RELP)
Articles and information papers that related to this topic include:
Understanding ancestry, language and birthplace of the Norfolk Island population
Understanding Migrant statistics in the Census and other data sources
Permanent migrants in Australia - insights from the Australian Census and Migrants Integrated Dataset (ACMID)
Temporary visa holders in Australia - insights from the Australian Census and Temporary Entrants Integrated Dataset (ACTEID)
Learn how Census data helps community groups, businesses and governments make important decisions.
The questions from the 2021 Census are output into variables. To see descriptions of the variables, including data use considerations, relevant to this topic see the 2021 Census dictionary: Cultural diversity.
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15/11/2022 - Census article Religious affiliation in Australia
Table of Religious affiliation of recent migrants: Corrected count of Not Stated in Number of migrants column and proportions of Christianity, Other religions and No religious affiliation in Proportions of migrants column to reflect counts and proportions of migrants who arrived in Australia from 2017 to 10 August 2021.
27/07/2022 - Census article Religious affiliation in Australia
Graph of Count of people with Christian affiliation in 2016 and 2021, age at 2016 and graph of Count of people reporting No religion in 2016 and 2021, age at 2016: Corrected labelling of 2016 data in both graphs to make 'age at 2016' accurate and updated data points for persons at age accordingly.