Appendix 1 - WPI weighting pattern (Appendix)

Latest release
Wage Price Index: Concepts, Sources and Methods
Reference period

The expenditure weights for the WPI were updated in December quarter 2011. The distribution of expenditure by State and Industry is shown below. Updates take place every year in the December quarter. Weights are based on either the latest data from the biennial Survey of Employee Earnings and Hours (EEH) or, when this data is unavailable, are updated via the WPI price relatives. Refer to the latest copy of the Wage Price Index, Australia (cat. no. 6345.0) for the most up-to-date distribution.

A1 Distribution of employers' expenditure on wages (a)

A1 Distribution of employers' expenditure on wages (a)
  Private (%)Public (%)Total (%)
Australia by sector
Sector by State/Territory
 New South Wales33.628.932.5
 South Australia6.37.86.7
 Western Australia12.111.612.0
 Northern Territory1.01.91.2
 Australian Capital Territory1.67.22.9
Sector by broad industry division (b)
 Electricity, gas, water and waste services0.84.41.7
 Wholesale trade6.7(c)5.1
 Retail trade8.1(c)6.2
 Accommodation and food services4.4(c)3.4
 Transport, postal and warehousing5.0(c)5.3
 Information media and telecommunications2.9(c)2.3
 Financial and insurance services7.7(c)6.0
 Rental, hiring and real estate services2.2(c)1.8
 Professional, scientific and technical services11.12.18.9
 Administrative and support services6.1(c)4.6
 Public administration and safety0.933.68.9
 Education and training3.728.69.8
 Health care and social assistance8.421.611.6
 Arts and recreation services1.2(c)1.2
 Other services3.9(c)2.9
 All industries100.0100.0100.0
  1. Components may not sum to 100.0 due to rounding.
  2. Classified according to the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC), 2006 (cat. no. 1292.0).
  3. For the public sector, these industry divisions are combined and included in the 'All industries' total.