Consultation draft: Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO)

Latest release

This publication shows the proposal for an updated occupation classification with inclusion of new occupations or changed occupations

Reference period
July 2024
Next release Unknown
First release

Consultation is now open and will continue through to 6 September 2024. After that time this draft publication, including related content, will be removed from the ABS website.

Access to provide feedback and a guide to providing feedback on the draft classification can be found on the ABS Consultation Hub.

The ABS is pleased to present the draft revised Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO). We have heard from over 600 stakeholders from across the Australian labour market in consultation held throughout 2023. What we heard has directly shaped the structure of the draft revised ANZSCO and the occupations it contains. 

Comparison between the draft revised ANZSCO and ANZSCO 2022

This table indicates the number of categories at each level of the draft revised ANZSCO and ANZSCO 2022.

Hierarchical LevelDraft revised ANZSCOANZSCO 2022
Major Group88
Sub-Major Group5343
Minor Group11199
Unit Group422364
Occupation1 1501 076

The conceptual basis of the draft revised ANZSCO is the same as that of previous versions of ANZSCO and can be accessed at Conceptual basis of ANZSCO | Australian Bureau of Statistics (

Changes from previous ANZSCO review publications

On 17 June 2024 we published documents on the ABS Consultation Hub showing preliminary proposed changes to the classification. Since those documents were published we have undertaken further quality assurance processes which have resulted in some changes. These changes are largely editorial and do not substantively alter what has previously been presented. Four changes of note are:

  • The occupation Volunteer Coordinator was omitted from previous publications so is presented here for the first time.
  • The skill level presented for two occupations, Aged Care Team Leader and Community Aged Care Support Worker, were incorrect and have been corrected.
  • All not elsewhere classified (nec) categories have been revised to align with the structure of the draft revised ANZSCO.

Additional resources

We have provided two data downloads to support users in providing feedback on the draft revised ANZSCO. 

Please note that these files are intended to enable users to interpret changes to the classification in order to provide feedback on the draft revised ANZCSO and must not be used for other purposes. For this reason, data downloads are only available until 6 September 2024. 

Final versions of these files, along with additional correspondences, will be published along with the finalised classification in December 2024.

Data downloads

Draft revised ANZSCO supporting documents

Data files
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