People in Greater Sydney who were born in Sudan

2016 Census Country of birth QuickStats
Area code 1GSYD by 4105
People 4,646
Male 2,449
Female 2,197
Australian citizen 82.9%
Not an Australian citizen 14.1%
Families 1,841
Couples with children 1,109
Couples without children 341
One parent families 349
Other families 36
All private dwellings 2,264
Median monthly mortgage repayment $2,167
Median weekly rent paid $380

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demographics & education | cultural & language diversity | employment

Demographics & education

People Born in Sudan % Born in Sudan All overseas born % All overseas born Australian born % Australian born Total % Total
Male 2,449 52.7 862,759 48.6 1,365,474 49.6 2,376,766 49.3
Female 2,197 47.3 910,741 51.4 1,386,695 50.4 2,447,221 50.7

In the 2016 Census, there were 4,646 people in Greater Sydney who were born in Sudan. Of these 52.7% were male and 47.3% were female.

View the data quality statements for: Place of Usual Residence (PURP) Country of birth of person (BPLP)

Born in Sudan % Born in Sudan All overseas born % All overseas born Australian born % Australian born Total % Total
0-14 years 197 4.2 86,605 4.9 772,485 28.1 900,297 18.7
15-24 years 768 16.6 169,162 9.5 424,910 15.4 629,103 13.0
25-34 years 912 19.7 357,835 20.2 362,766 13.2 774,405 16.1
35-44 years 901 19.4 320,272 18.1 333,049 12.1 696,037 14.4
45-54 years 745 16.1 286,432 16.2 302,752 11.0 627,580 13.0
55-64 years 578 12.5 244,706 13.8 245,898 8.9 524,011 10.9
65 years and over 538 11.6 308,485 17.4 310,306 11.3 672,559 13.9
Median age 39 -- 43 -- 29 -- 36 --

Of the population born in Sudan who usually live in Greater Sydney, 4.2% were aged 0 - 14 years and 11.6% were aged 65 years and over. The median age of people in Greater Sydney who were born in Sudan was 39 years.

View the data quality statement for Age (AGEP)
Registered marital status
People aged 15 years and over
Born in Sudan % Born in Sudan All overseas born % All overseas born Australian born % Australian born Total % Total
Married 2,350 53.0 997,933 59.2 823,877 41.6 1,934,132 49.3
Separated 257 5.8 49,653 2.9 53,089 2.7 111,495 2.8
Divorced 211 4.8 124,745 7.4 150,149 7.6 298,436 7.6
Widowed 222 5.0 84,892 5.0 84,645 4.3 185,646 4.7
Never married 1,395 31.5 429,669 25.5 867,919 43.8 1,393,987 35.5

Of people in Greater Sydney aged 15 years and over who were born in Sudan, 53.0% were married, 5.8% were separated, and 4.8% were divorced.

View the data quality statement for Registered marital status (MSTP)
Education Born in Sudan % Born in Sudan All overseas born % All overseas born Australian born % Australian born Total % Total
Pre-school 3 0.1 5,886 0.3 77,584 2.8 83,920 1.7
Primary 66 1.4 45,248 2.6 343,605 12.5 391,438 8.1
Secondary 351 7.6 54,387 3.1 247,369 9.0 303,797 6.3
University or tertiary institution 329 7.1 132,746 7.5 159,654 5.8 294,022 6.1
Technical or further education 276 5.9 45,636 2.6 46,376 1.7 92,778 1.9
Other 97 2.1 33,740 1.9 16,104 0.6 50,247 1.0
Institution attended, type not stated 169 3.6 29,497 1.7 49,081 1.8 313,981 6.5
Not attending an educational institution 3,349 72.2 1,426,351 80.4 1,812,384 65.9 3,293,820 68.3

Of the population born in Sudan who usually live in Greater Sydney, 27.8% were attending an educational institution. There were 1.4% in primary school, 7.6% in secondary school and 13.0% in a tertiary or technical institution.

View the data quality statement for Educational institution attendee status (TYSTAP)
Level of highest educational attainment
People aged 15 years and over
Born in Sudan % Born in Sudan All overseas born % All overseas born Australian born % Australian born Total % Total
Bachelor Degree level and above 1,034 23.2 610,982 36.2 493,022 24.9 1,110,999 28.3
Advanced Diploma and Diploma level 560 12.6 164,742 9.8 197,483 10.0 365,989 9.3
Certificate level IV 83 1.9 27,312 1.6 64,874 3.3 92,906 2.4
Certificate level III 293 6.6 119,077 7.1 254,350 12.8 379,732 9.7
Year 12 1,209 27.2 323,231 19.2 347,883 17.6 678,975 17.3
Year 11 171 3.8 37,465 2.2 81,053 4.1 120,047 3.1
Year 10 254 5.7 111,426 6.6 248,510 12.6 366,932 9.4
Certificate level II 11 0.2 826 0.0 1,277 0.1 2,142 0.1
Certificate level I 4 0.1 188 0.0 145 0.0 336 0.0
Year 9 or below 201 4.5 130,533 7.7 140,516 7.1 277,300 7.1
No educational attainment 205 4.6 42,344 2.5 3,941 0.2 47,465 1.2
Not stated 273 6.1 65,877 3.9 78,995 4.0 358,653 9.1

Of the population born in Sudan who usually live in Greater Sydney, 27.2% reported having completed Year 12 as their highest level of educational attainment, 8.4% had completed a Certificate III or IV and 12.6% had completed an Advanced Diploma or Diploma.

View the data quality statement for Level of highest educational attainment (HEAP)

Cultural & language diversity

Year of arrival Born in Sudan % Born in Sudan All overseas born % All overseas born Australian born % Australian born Total % Total
Before 1941 0 0.0 2,297 0.1 -- -- -- --
1941 - 1950 4 0.1 17,294 1.0 -- -- -- --
1951 - 1960 14 0.3 59,361 3.3 -- -- -- --
1961 - 1970 117 2.5 127,789 7.2 -- -- -- --
1971 - 1980 209 4.5 153,149 8.6 -- -- -- --
1981 - 1990 289 6.2 255,978 14.4 -- -- -- --
1991 - 2000 1,348 28.9 284,326 16.0 -- -- -- --
2001 - 2005 1,522 32.7 176,759 10.0 -- -- -- --
2006 - 2010 582 12.5 257,628 14.5 -- -- -- --
2011 - 2016 465 10.0 379,584 21.4 -- -- -- --
Born in Australia -- -- -- -- 2,752,169 -- -- --

In Greater Sydney of people who were born in Sudan, 10.0% arrived in Australia from 2011 - 2016 and 12.5% from 2006 - 2010.

View the data quality statement for Year of arrival in Australia (YARP)
Citizenship Born in Sudan % Born in Sudan All overseas born % All overseas born Australian born % Australian born Total % Total
Australian citizen 3,848 82.9 1,089,417 61.4 2,692,002 97.8 3,835,026 79.5
Not an Australian citizen 653 14.1 654,658 36.9 20,867 0.8 680,121 14.1

In Greater Sydney of people who were born in Sudan, 82.9% were Australian citizens.

View the data quality statement for Australian citizenship (CITP)
Birthplace of spouse or partner Born in Sudan % Born in Sudan All overseas born % All overseas born Australian born % Australian born Total % Total
Spouse or partner born overseas 2,033 90.5 816,825 79.2 189,870 20.0 1,011,345 50.8
Spouse or partner born in Australia 171 7.6 189,869 18.4 739,382 77.7 932,356 46.8

In Greater Sydney of people who were born in Sudan and had a spouse or partner, 90.5% had a spouse or partner who was born overseas and 7.6% had a spouse or partner born in Australia.

Note: Total does not include those spouses or partners who did not state their country of birth.

View the data quality statements for: Country of birth of person (BPLP) Relationship in household (RLHP) Family/household reference person indicator (RPIP)

Religious affiliation, top responses
Results may include 'nfd' for 'not further defined'
Born in Sudan % Born in Sudan All overseas born % All overseas born Australian born % Australian born Total % Total
Oriental Orthodox 1,546 33.3 15,919 0.9 9,438 0.3 25,673 0.5
Islam 1,135 24.4 141,135 8.0 107,448 3.9 253,436 5.3
Catholic 1,071 23.0 386,109 21.8 809,313 29.4 1,213,126 25.1
Anglican 280 6.0 100,561 5.7 471,178 17.1 580,341 12.0
Christian, nfd 156 3.4 51,128 2.9 55,491 2.0 108,213 2.2

In Greater Sydney of people who were born in Sudan, the most common responses to the religion question were Oriental Orthodox 33.3%, Islam 24.4%, Catholic 23.0%, Anglican 6.0% and Christian, nfd 3.4%.

View the data quality statement for Religious affiliation (RELP)
English language proficiency Born in Sudan % Born in Sudan All overseas born % All overseas born Australian born % Australian born Total % Total
Speaks English only 301 6.5 508,434 28.7 2,275,954 82.7 2,816,815 58.4
Speaks other language and speaks English:  null  null  null  null  null  null  null  null
Very well or well 3,539 76.3 993,384 56.0 400,788 14.6 1,412,427 29.3
Not well or not at all 728 15.7 258,109 14.6 50,789 1.8 313,482 6.5

In Greater Sydney of people who were born in Sudan, 6.5% spoke English only at home. A further 76.3% spoke another language but also spoke English very well or well.

View the data quality statement for Proficiency in spoken English/language (ENGLP)


Labour force, people aged 15 years and over
Born in Sudan % Born in Sudan All overseas born % All overseas born Australian born % Australian born Total % Total
Worked full-time 1,097 45.7 643,999 61.5 822,456 61.0 1,480,218 61.2
Worked part-time 716 29.8 282,494 27.0 393,250 29.2 682,605 28.2
Away from work 125 5.2 44,866 4.3 62,558 4.6 109,892 4.5
Unemployed 465 19.4 74,976 7.2 69,509 5.2 146,187 6.0
Not in the labour force 1,989 44.7 624,205 37.0 615,924 31.1 1,266,780 32.3

In Greater Sydney of people who were born in Sudan and who were in the labour force, 45.7% worked full-time, 29.8% worked part-time and 19.4% were unemployed.

The ABS Labour Force Survey provides the official estimates of Australia's unemployment rate. More information about Census and labour force status is provided in Understanding the Census and Census Data.

View the data quality statement for Labour force status (LFSP)
Employment - hours worked
Labour force, people aged 15 years and over
Born in Sudan % Born in Sudan All overseas born % All overseas born Australian born % Australian born Total % Total
1-15 hours per week 261 13.5 81,481 8.4 146,070 11.4 229,765 10.1
16-24 hours per week 233 12.1 110,760 11.4 122,462 9.6 235,495 10.4
25-34 hours per week 220 11.4 90,253 9.3 124,718 9.8 217,349 9.6
35-39 hours per week 414 21.4 217,395 22.4 217,896 17.0 439,866 19.4
40 hours or more per week 684 35.4 426,603 43.9 604,561 47.3 1,040,349 45.8

In Greater Sydney of people who were born in Sudan and who were employed, 35.4% worked 40 hours or more per week and 21.4% worked 35-39 hours per week.

View the data quality statement for Hours worked (HRSP)
Occupation, top responses
Employed people aged 15 years and over
Born in Sudan % Born in Sudan All overseas born % All overseas born Australian born % Australian born Total % Total
Professionals 399 20.5 267,334 27.5 326,606 25.6 597,798 26.3
Community and Personal Service Workers 297 15.3 91,686 9.4 124,243 9.7 218,206 9.6
Labourers 280 14.4 90,100 9.3 78,831 6.2 171,450 7.5
Clerical and Administrative Workers 209 10.8 126,816 13.1 201,249 15.7 331,135 14.6
Managers 186 9.6 129,895 13.4 179,474 14.0 311,762 13.7

In Greater Sydney of people who were born in Sudan, the most common responses for occupation were Professionals 20.5%, Community and Personal Service Workers 15.3%, Labourers 14.4%, Clerical and Administrative Workers 10.8% and Managers 9.6%.

View the data quality statement for Occupation (OCCP)
Industry of employment, top responses
Employed people aged 15 years and over
Born in Sudan % Born in Sudan All overseas born % All overseas born Australian born % Australian born Total % Total
Child Care Services 121 6.5 12,591 1.3 14,634 1.1 27,464 1.2
General Practice Medical Services 57 3.1 10,235 1.1 9,898 0.8 20,357 0.9
Hospitals (except Psychiatric Hospitals) 49 2.6 36,255 3.7 39,608 3.1 76,600 3.4
Building and Other Industrial Cleaning Services 48 2.6 18,571 1.9 8,004 0.6 27,014 1.2
Banking 45 2.4 28,536 2.9 27,727 2.2 56,599 2.5

In Greater Sydney of people who were born in Sudan, the most common responses for industry of employment were Child Care Services 6.5%, General Practice Medical Services 3.1%, Hospitals (except Psychiatric Hospitals) 2.6%, Building and Other Industrial Cleaning Services 2.6% and Banking 2.4%.

View the data quality statement for Industry of employment (INDP)
Median weekly income
People aged 15 years and over
Born in Sudan % Born in Sudan All overseas born % All overseas born Australian born % Australian born Total % Total
Personal 420 -- 655 -- 780 -- 719 --
Family 1,320 -- 1,888 -- 2,239 -- 1,988 --
Household 1,259 -- 1,805 -- 1,945 -- 1,750 --

In Greater Sydney of people who were born in Sudan, the personal weekly median income was $420. Family median weekly income was $1,320 and Household median weekly income was $1,259.

Median personal weekly income for persons aged 15 years and over born in the selected country. Excludes those who did not state an income.

Family for the selected country of birth is determined by the reference person and/or their spouse/partner's response to country of birth. Median family income excludes families where at least one family member aged 15 years and over did not state an income.

Household for the selected country of birth is determined by the response of any household member (enumerated in the dwelling) to country of birth. Median household income excludes households where at least one member aged 15 years and over did not state an income.

View the data quality statements for: Total personal income (INCP) Total family income (FINF) Total household income (HIND)

Travel to work
Employed people aged 15 years and over
Born in Sudan % Born in Sudan All overseas born % All overseas born Australian born % Australian born Total % Total
Car 1,343 69.2 498,072 51.3 779,343 61.0 1,291,452 56.8
Bus or train 281 14.5 246,569 25.4 181,710 14.2 431,820 19.0
Other 110 5.7 117,542 12.1 133,413 10.4 253,083 11.1

In Greater Sydney 69.2% of employed people who were born in Sudan travelled to work on census day by car, while 14.5% travelled by bus or train.

View the data quality statement for Method of travel to work (MTWP)
Unpaid work
People aged 15 years and over
Born in Sudan % Born in Sudan All overseas born % All overseas born Australian born % Australian born Total % Total
Did unpaid domestic work (last week) 2,249 50.6 1,116,619 66.2 1,484,636 75.0 2,628,461 67.0
Cared for child/children (last two weeks) 1,334 30.0 492,638 29.2 568,669 28.7 1,073,085 27.3
Provided unpaid assistance to a person with a disability (last two weeks) 784 17.6 181,074 10.7 248,166 12.5 435,993 11.1
Did voluntary work through an organisation or group (last 12 months) 731 16.4 240,902 14.3 407,311 20.6 653,910 16.7

In Greater Sydney 50.6% of people who were born in Sudan did unpaid domestic work in the week before the census, and 30.0% cared for a child or children in the two weeks before the census.

View the data quality statements for: Unpaid domestic work (DOMP) Unpaid child care (CHCAREP) Unpaid assistance (UNCAREP) Voluntary work (VOLWP)

Unpaid domestic work, number of hours
People aged 15 years and over
Born in Sudan % Born in Sudan All overseas born % All overseas born Australian born % Australian born Total % Total
Less than 5 hours per week 830 18.7 367,781 21.8 558,198 28.2 934,749 23.8
5 to 14 hours per week 775 17.4 414,846 24.6 542,343 27.4 966,678 24.6
15 to 29 hours per week 287 6.4 182,707 10.8 221,491 11.2 408,730 10.4
30 hours or more per week 358 8.0 151,288 9.0 162,598 8.2 318,303 8.1

In Greater Sydney of people who were born in Sudan and who did unpaid domestic work in the week before the census, 17.4% worked 5 to 14 hours, 6.4% worked 15 to 29 hours and 8.0% worked 30 hours or more.

View the data quality statement for Unpaid domestic work, number of hours (DOMP)


family composition | employment status of couple families

Family composition

For information on how migrant families are classified, see the User guide for QuickStats

Family composition Born in Sudan % Born in Sudan All overseas born % All overseas born Australian born % Australian born Total % Total
Couple family without children 341 18.5 248,233 34.3 162,998 32.2 416,588 33.4
Couple family with children 1,109 60.2 379,181 52.4 232,043 45.8 617,424 49.5
One parent family 349 19.0 85,758 11.8 99,641 19.7 190,048 15.2
Other family 36 2.0 10,987 1.5 11,500 2.3 22,992 1.8
Families with a child under 5 508 27.6 133,132 18.4 92,280 18.2 225,411 18.1
Families with a child aged 0-15 years 1,005 54.7 288,313 39.8 211,928 41.9 500,245 40.1

These statistics are for families in Greater Sydney. They are for families where the reference person and/or their spouse or partner was born in Sudan. Of these families, 60.2% were couple families with children, 18.5% were couple families without children and 19.0% were one parent families.

Note: Totals for families with a child under 5 and for families with a child aged 0-15 years does not include those families where the reference person and/or their spouse/partner did not state their country of birth.

View the data quality statement for Family composition (FMCF)

Employment status of couple families

Employment status of couple families
Labour force, people aged 15 years and over
Born in Sudan % Born in Sudan All overseas born % All overseas born Australian born % Australian born Total % Total
Both employed, worked full-time 202 13.9 150,165 23.9 102,682 26.0 254,297 24.6
Both employed, worked part-time 59 4.1 25,055 4.0 13,168 3.3 38,580 3.7
One employed full-time, one part-time 201 13.9 108,863 17.4 98,265 24.9 208,421 20.2
One employed full-time, other not working 264 18.2 116,966 18.6 54,412 13.8 172,625 16.7
One employed part-time, other not working 184 12.7 42,288 6.7 19,033 4.8 61,943 6.0
Both not working 391 26.9 124,872 19.9 61,294 15.5 190,298 18.4
Other (includes away from work) 76 5.2 29,021 4.6 21,544 5.5 51,219 5.0
Labour force status not stated (by one or both parents in a couple family) 74 5.1 30,185 4.8 24,643 6.2 56,642 5.5

These statistics are for families in Greater Sydney. They are for families where the reference person and/or their spouse or partner was born in Sudan. Of these families, 13.9% of families had both parents working full-time, 13.9% of families had one parent working full-time and one parent working part-time, and 26.9% of families stated that both parents were not working.

View the data quality statement for Labour force status of parents / partners in families (LFSF)


dwelling structure | mortgage & rent | household composition

Dwelling structure

For information on how migrant households are classified, see the User guide for QuickStats

Dwelling tables exclude visitor only and other non-classifiable households

Dwelling structure
Occupied private dwellings
Born in Sudan % Born in Sudan All overseas born % All overseas born Australian born % Australian born Total % Total
Separate house 1,369 60.5 465,541 52.0 749,432 63.3 924,225 56.9
Semi-detached, row or terrace house, townhouse etc 373 16.5 125,630 14.0 166,719 14.1 227,235 14.0
Flat or apartment 505 22.3 294,775 32.9 257,416 21.7 456,231 28.1
Other dwelling 9 0.4 4,892 0.5 6,081 0.5 9,132 0.6

These statistics are for occupied private dwellings in Greater Sydney. For the dwellings that were occupied on census night by a person or persons who were born in Sudan, 60.5% were a separate house, 22.3% were a flat or apartment, and 16.5% were a semi-detached, row or terrace house, townhouse etc.

View the data quality statement for Dwelling structure (STRD)
Number of bedrooms
Occupied private dwellings
Born in Sudan % Born in Sudan All overseas born % All overseas born Australian born % Australian born Total % Total
None (includes bedsitters) 16 0.7 7,294 0.8 6,104 0.5 12,812 0.8
1 bedroom 87 3.8 66,976 7.5 61,993 5.2 118,881 7.3
2 bedrooms 436 19.2 240,576 26.9 252,576 21.3 402,675 24.8
3 bedrooms 790 34.9 285,866 31.9 423,356 35.8 548,987 33.8
4 or more bedrooms 819 36.2 273,749 30.6 418,594 35.4 501,256 30.9
Number of bedrooms not stated 117 5.2 20,299 2.3 21,456 1.8 39,262 2.4

These statistics are for occupied private dwellings in Greater Sydney. For the dwellings that were occupied on census night by a person or persons who were born in Sudan, 19.2% had two bedrooms, 34.9% had three bedrooms and 36.2% had four or more bedrooms.

View the data quality statement for Number of bedrooms in a private dwelling (BEDD)

Mortgage & rent

Mortgage and rent
Occupied private dwellings
Born in Sudan % Born in Sudan All overseas born % All overseas born Australian born % Australian born Total % Total
Owned outright 332 14.6 235,889 26.4 348,002 29.4 472,635 29.1
Owned with a mortgage 625 27.5 293,690 32.8 447,960 37.8 539,917 33.2
Rented 1,194 52.6 336,770 37.6 353,652 29.9 553,249 34.1
Other tenure type 10 0.4 5,759 0.6 9,965 0.8 14,183 0.9
Tenure type not stated 111 4.9 22,653 2.5 24,492 2.1 43,899 2.7
Median monthly mortgage repayment 2,167 -- 2,167 -- 2,167 -- 2,167 --
Median weekly rent paid 380 -- 460 -- 445 -- 440 --

These statistics are for occupied private dwellings in Greater Sydney. For the dwellings that were occupied on census night by a person or persons who were born in Sudan, 14.6% were owned outright, 27.5% were owned with a mortgage and 52.6% were rented. The median monthly mortgage repayment was $2,167 and the median weekly rent paid was $380.

Median monthly mortgage repayment relates only to occupied private dwellings that are owned with a mortgage (including those being purchased under a rent/buy scheme). It excludes 'visitor only' and 'other non-classifiable' households and dwellings that did not state a monthly repayment value.

Median weekly rent paid relates to occupied private dwellings being rented (including rent-free accommodation). It excludes 'visitor only' and 'other non-classifiable' households and dwellings that did not state a weekly payment value.

View the data quality statements for: Tenure type (TEND) Rent weekly payments (RNTD) Mortgage monthly repayments (MRED)

Household composition

Household composition Born in Sudan % Born in Sudan All overseas born % All overseas born Australian born % Australian born Total % Total
One family households 1,803 79.6 670,232 74.9 892,593 75.4 1,146,625 70.6
Multiple family households 89 3.9 38,937 4.4 42,205 3.6 49,031 3.0
Single (or lone) person households 253 11.2 135,785 15.2 206,872 17.5 351,423 21.6
Group households 119 5.3 49,819 5.6 42,400 3.6 76,795 4.7

All occupants of a private dwelling complete one census form and are counted as a household. 'Born in Sudan' includes households in Greater Sydney where at least one person was born in Sudan. Of those households, 79.6% were one family households and 11.2% were lone person households.

View the data quality statement for Household composition (HHCD)

Small random adjustments have been made to all cell values to protect the confidentiality of data. These adjustments may cause the sum of rows or columns to differ by small amounts from the table totals. For further information, go to the User Guide for QuickStats.

Data reported for Australia and Other Territories now includes Norfolk Island, following an amendment to the Acts Interpretation Act, 1901. Because Norfolk Island has not previously been included in the Census, any 2011 benchmarks will not include Norfolk Island.