People in Greater Perth who were born in Serbia

2011 Census Country of birth QuickStats
Geography type Greater Capital City Statistical Areas by Country of Birth of Person
Area code 5GPER by 3215
People 1,585
Male 784
Female 801
Australian citizen 84.5%
Not an Australian citizen 14.0%
Families 754
Couples with children 424
Couples without children 243
One parent families 80
Other families 7
All private dwellings 1,032
Median monthly mortgage repayment $1,950
Median weekly rent paid $300

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demographics & education | cultural & language diversity | employment

Demographics & education

People Born in Serbia % Born in Serbia All overseas born % All overseas born Australian born % Australian born Total % Total
Total 1,585 -- 597,927 -- 1,030,496 -- 1,728,867 --
Male 784 49.5 296,252 49.5 507,971 49.3 858,305 49.6
Female 801 50.5 301,675 50.5 522,525 50.7 870,562 50.4

In the 2011 Census, there were 1,585 people in Greater Perth who were born in Serbia. Of these 49.5% were male and 50.5% were female.

Born in Serbia % Born in Serbia All overseas born % All overseas born Australian born % Australian born Total % Total
0-14 years 109 6.9 46,792 7.8 269,173 26.1 332,409 19.2
15-24 years 183 11.6 63,406 10.6 169,388 16.4 246,931 14.3
25-34 years 228 14.4 94,255 15.8 142,635 13.8 253,729 14.7
35-44 years 273 17.3 100,603 16.8 136,387 13.2 251,416 14.5
45-54 years 313 19.8 106,250 17.8 115,961 11.3 235,007 13.6
55-64 years 246 15.5 86,087 14.4 96,477 9.4 193,177 11.2
65 years and over 230 14.5 100,533 16.8 100,472 9.7 216,196 12.5
Median age 45 -- 44 -- 30 -- 36 --

Of the population born in Serbia who usually live in Greater Perth, 6.9% were aged 0 - 14 years and 14.5% were aged 65 years and over. The median age of people in Greater Perth who were born in Serbia was 45 years.

Registered marital status
People aged 15 years and over
Born in Serbia % Born in Serbia All overseas born % All overseas born Australian born % Australian born Total % Total
Married 895 60.6 320,380 58.1 325,501 42.8 680,633 48.7
Separated 62 4.2 15,696 2.8 21,313 2.8 39,902 2.9
Divorced 127 8.6 45,672 8.3 62,384 8.2 116,318 8.3
Widowed 78 5.3 29,754 5.4 30,501 4.0 65,783 4.7
Never married 315 21.3 139,630 25.3 321,623 42.2 493,821 35.4

Of people in Greater Perth aged 15 years and over who were born in Serbia, 60.6% were married, 4.2% were separated, and 8.6% were divorced.

Median age by registered marital status
People aged 15 years and over
Born in Serbia % Born in Serbia All overseas born % All overseas born Australian born % Australian born Total % Total
Married 48 -- 49 -- 49 -- 49 --
Separated 53 -- 49 -- 47 -- 48 --
Divorced 56 -- 55 -- 53 -- 54 --
Widowed 70 -- 77 -- 78 -- 78 --
Never married 24 -- 26 -- 24 -- 25 --

Of people who usually live in Greater Perth and who were born in Serbia the median age of married people was 48 years. Of people never married, the median age was 24 years.

Education Born in Serbia % Born in Serbia All overseas born % All overseas born Australian born % Australian born Total % Total
Pre-school 6 0.4 2,912 0.5 21,536 2.1 24,683 1.4
Primary 45 2.8 25,821 4.3 115,056 11.2 141,949 8.2
Secondary 103 6.5 22,635 3.8 75,180 7.3 98,668 5.7
University or tertiary institution 78 4.9 33,086 5.5 51,832 5.0 85,428 4.9
Technical or further education 35 2.2 17,021 2.8 21,232 2.1 38,681 2.2
Other 20 1.3 5,702 1.0 5,514 0.5 11,326 0.7
Institution attended, type not stated 45 2.8 19,520 3.3 29,125 2.8 127,200 7.4
Not attending an educational institution 1,251 79.0 471,230 78.8 711,017 69.0 1,200,931 69.5
Total 1,583 -- 597,927 -- 1,030,492 -- 1,728,866 --

Of the population born in Serbia who usually live in Greater Perth, 21.0% were attending an educational institution. There were 2.8% in primary school, 6.5% in secondary school and 7.1% in a tertiary or technical institution.

Cultural & language diversity

Year of arrival Born in Serbia % Born in Serbia All overseas born % All overseas born Australian born % Australian born Total % Total
Before 1941 0 0.0 1,809 0.3 -- -- -- --
1941 - 1950 16 1.0 9,436 1.6 -- -- -- --
1951 - 1960 34 2.1 27,311 4.6 -- -- -- --
1961 - 1970 221 14.0 69,367 11.6 -- -- -- --
1971 - 1980 184 11.6 63,137 10.6 -- -- -- --
1981 - 1990 173 10.9 92,173 15.4 -- -- -- --
1991 - 2000 526 33.2 80,316 13.4 -- -- -- --
2001 - 2005 169 10.7 66,437 11.1 -- -- -- --
2006 - 2011 228 14.4 159,932 26.7 -- -- -- --
Born in Australia -- -- -- -- 1,030,493 -- -- --

In Greater Perth of people who were born in Serbia, 14.4% arrived in Australia from 2006 - 2011 and 10.7% from 2001 - 2005.

Citizenship Born in Serbia % Born in Serbia All overseas born % All overseas born Australian born % Australian born Total % Total
Australian citizen 1,338 84.5 358,380 59.9 1,010,035 98.0 1,383,610 80.0
Not an Australian citizen 221 14.0 226,720 37.9 5,793 0.6 233,771 13.5

In Greater Perth of people who were born in Serbia, 84.5% were Australian citizens.

Birthplace of spouse or partner Born in Serbia % Born in Serbia All overseas born % All overseas born Australian born % Australian born Total % Total
Spouse or partner born overseas 729 80.7 245,245 71.7 83,187 21.6 330,152 45.2
Spouse or partner born in Australia 132 14.6 83,186 24.3 285,511 74.1 369,632 50.6

In Greater Perth of people who were born in Serbia and had a spouse or partner, 80.7% had a spouse or partner who was born overseas and 14.6% had a spouse or partner born in Australia.

Religious affiliation, top responses
Results may include 'nfd' for 'not further defined'
Born in Serbia % Born in Serbia All overseas born % All overseas born Australian born % Australian born Total % Total
Eastern Orthodox 1,228 77.6 12,654 2.1 12,753 1.2 25,873 1.5
No Religion 137 8.7 121,398 20.3 308,382 29.9 433,777 25.1
Catholic 87 5.5 145,238 24.3 271,364 26.3 422,713 24.5
Islam 30 1.9 25,346 4.2 10,280 1.0 36,438 2.1
Other Christian 16 1.0 2,053 0.3 1,474 0.1 3,577 0.2

In Greater Perth of people who were born in Serbia, the most common responses to the religion question were Eastern Orthodox 77.6%, No Religion 8.7%, Catholic 5.5%, Islam 1.9% and Other Christian 1.0%.

English language proficiency Born in Serbia % Born in Serbia All overseas born % All overseas born Australian born % Australian born Total % Total
Speaks English only 147 9.3 367,309 61.4 962,366 93.4 1,345,695 77.8
Speaks other language and speaks English:  null  null  null  null  null  null  null  null
Very well or well 1,217 76.8 190,413 31.8 53,032 5.1 247,201 14.3
Not well or not at all 207 13.1 33,069 5.5 8,202 0.8 42,196 2.4

In Greater Perth of people who were born in Serbia, 9.3% spoke English only at home. A further 76.8% spoke another language but also spoke English very well or well.


Labour force, people aged 15 years and over
Born in Serbia % Born in Serbia All overseas born % All overseas born Australian born % Australian born Total % Total
Worked full-time 533 59.7 218,357 61.1 318,982 59.7 542,261 60.2
Worked part-time 243 27.2 100,323 28.1 157,322 29.5 260,274 28.9
Away from work 63 7.1 20,864 5.8 33,229 6.2 55,099 6.1
Unemployed 54 6.0 17,859 5.0 24,436 4.6 42,860 4.8
Total in labour force 893 -- 357,403 -- 533,969 -- 900,494 --
Not in the labour force 559 37.8 186,195 33.8 219,558 28.8 413,911 29.6

In Greater Perth of people who were born in Serbia and who were in the labour force, 59.7% worked full-time, 27.2% worked part-time and 6.0% were unemployed.

View the labour force fact sheet
Employment - hours worked
Labour force, people aged 15 years and over
Born in Serbia % Born in Serbia All overseas born % All overseas born Australian born % Australian born Total % Total
1-15 hours per week 86 10.3 32,590 9.6 62,705 12.3 96,200 11.2
16-24 hours per week 77 9.2 34,263 10.1 46,733 9.2 81,841 9.5
25-34 hours per week 83 9.9 33,472 9.9 47,889 9.4 82,235 9.6
35-39 hours per week 144 17.2 60,933 17.9 81,597 16.0 143,987 16.8
40 hours or more per week 386 46.1 157,421 46.4 237,383 46.6 398,275 46.4

In Greater Perth of people who were born in Serbia and who were employed, 46.1% worked 40 hours or more per week and 17.2% worked 35-39 hours per week.

Median age by employment status
Labour force, people aged 15 years and over
Born in Serbia % Born in Serbia All overseas born % All overseas born Australian born % Australian born Total % Total
Employed full-time 42 -- 43 -- 38 -- 40 --
Employed part-time 42 -- 43 -- 37 -- 39 --

In Greater Perth of people who were born in Serbia the median age for those who were employed full-time was 42, while the median age for those employed part-time was 42.

Occupation, top responses
Employed people aged 15 years and over
Born in Serbia % Born in Serbia All overseas born % All overseas born Australian born % Australian born Total % Total
Technicians and Trades Workers 166 19.8 55,313 16.3 81,071 15.9 137,916 16.1
Professionals 156 18.6 79,655 23.5 105,466 20.7 186,252 21.7
Labourers 126 15.0 33,446 9.9 40,828 8.0 75,390 8.8
Clerical and Administrative Workers 89 10.6 47,196 13.9 82,660 16.2 130,915 15.3
Machinery Operators And Drivers 85 10.1 22,095 6.5 33,659 6.6 56,542 6.6
Sales Workers 78 9.3 24,475 7.2 52,314 10.3 77,543 9.0
Community and Personal Service Workers 65 7.8 33,890 10.0 48,053 9.4 82,862 9.7
Managers 55 6.6 38,336 11.3 58,714 11.5 97,847 11.4

In Greater Perth of people who were born in Serbia, the most common responses for occupation were Technicians and Trades Workers 19.8%, Professionals 18.6%, Labourers 15.0%, Clerical and Administrative Workers 10.6% and Machinery Operators And Drivers 10.1%.

Industry of employment, top responses
Employed people aged 15 years and over
Born in Serbia % Born in Serbia All overseas born % All overseas born Australian born % Australian born Total % Total
Hospitals 43 5.1 14,511 4.3 14,688 2.9 29,458 3.4
Building Cleaning, Pest Control and Gardening Services 42 5.0 6,009 1.8 5,752 1.1 11,955 1.4
Road Passenger Transport 32 3.8 3,256 1.0 1,785 0.4 5,113 0.6
Cafes, Restaurants and Takeaway Food Services 30 3.6 17,346 5.1 19,391 3.8 37,125 4.3
Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction 26 3.1 4,449 1.3 6,165 1.2 10,706 1.2

In Greater Perth of people who were born in Serbia, the most common responses for industry of employment were Hospitals 5.1%, Building Cleaning, Pest Control and Gardening Services 5.0%, Road Passenger Transport 3.8%, Cafes, Restaurants and Takeaway Food Services 3.6% and Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction 3.1%.

Median weekly income
People aged 15 years and over
Born in Serbia % Born in Serbia All overseas born % All overseas born Australian born % Australian born Total % Total
Personal 515 -- 645 -- 691 -- 669 --
Family 1,564 -- 1,793 -- 1,783 -- 1,781 --
Household 1,350 -- 1,469 -- 1,383 -- 1,459 --

In Greater Perth of people who were born in Serbia, the personal weekly median income was $515. Family median weekly income was $1,564 and Household median weekly income was $1,350.

Family and Household are determined for the selected country of birth, 'All overseas born' and 'Australian born' by the Reference Person and/or their spouse/partner's response to country of birth. See explanatory notes for more information.

View the income fact sheet
Travel to work
Employed people aged 15 years and over
Born in Serbia % Born in Serbia All overseas born % All overseas born Australian born % Australian born Total % Total

In Greater Perth 70.9% of employed people who were born in Serbia, travelled to work on census day by car, while 9.2% travelled by bus or train.

Unpaid work
People aged 15 years and over
Born in Serbia % Born in Serbia All overseas born % All overseas born Australian born % Australian born Total % Total

In Greater Perth 65.7% of people who were born in Serbia did unpaid domestic work in the week before the census, and 27.0% cared for a child or children in the two weeks before the census.

Unpaid domestic work, number of hours
People aged 15 years and over
Born in Serbia % Born in Serbia All overseas born % All overseas born Australian born % Australian born Total % Total

In Greater Perth of people who were born in Serbia and who did unpaid domestic work in the week before the census, 25.8% worked 5 to 14 hours, 9.8% worked 15 to 29 hours and 8.3% worked 30 hours or more.


family composition | weekly incomes | employment status of couple families

Family composition

For important information on how migrant families are classified, please see the explanatory notes

Family composition Born in Serbia % Born in Serbia All overseas born % All overseas born Australian born % Australian born Total % Total

These statistics are for families in Greater Perth. They are for families where the reference person was born in Serbia and also include households where the reference person was born in Australia, or did not state their country of birth, but had a partner or spouse who was born in Serbia. Of these families, 56.2% were couple families with children, 32.2% were couple families without children and 10.6% were one parent families.

Weekly incomes

Median family income, couple families with two incomes Born in Serbia % Born in Serbia All overseas born % All overseas born Australian born % Australian born Total % Total
Families without children 2,015 -- 2,265 -- 2,354 -- 2,302 --
Families with children 2,409 -- 2,551 -- 2,587 -- 2,564 --

These statistics are for families in Greater Perth. They are for families where the reference person was born in Serbia and also include households where the reference person was born in Australia, or did not state their country of birth, but had a partner or spouse who was born in Serbia. Of these families, the median weekly income for families without children was $2,015 and for families with children the median weekly income was $2,409.

View the income fact sheet

Employment status of couple families

Employment status of couple families
Labour force, people aged 15 years and over
Born in Serbia % Born in Serbia All overseas born % All overseas born Australian born % Australian born Total % Total
Both employed, worked full-time 141 21.0 46,198 20.9 33,278 20.8 79,865 20.7
Both employed, worked part-time 23 3.4 8,717 3.9 5,407 3.4 14,264 3.7
One employed full-time, one part-time 122 18.2 47,219 21.4 37,859 23.6 85,550 22.2
One employed full-time, other not working 126 18.8 39,989 18.1 25,277 15.8 65,686 17.1
One employed part-time, other not working 33 4.9 11,913 5.4 6,969 4.3 19,023 4.9
Both not working 128 19.1 36,890 16.7 22,676 14.1 60,612 15.7
Other 38 5.7 13,942 6.3 10,840 6.8 25,011 6.5
Labour force status not stated 60 8.9 16,050 7.3 17,968 11.2 35,060 9.1

These statistics are for families in Greater Perth. They are for families where the reference person was born in Serbia and also include households where the reference person was born in Australia, or did not state their country of birth, but had a partner or spouse who was born in Serbia. Of these families, 21.0% of families had both parents working full-time, 18.2% of families had one parent working full-time and one parent working part-time, and 19.1% of families stated that both parents were not working.


dwelling structure | mortgage & rent | household composition

Dwelling structure

Dwelling tables exclude visitor only and other non-classifiable households

For important information on how migrant households are classified, please see the explanatory notes

Dwelling structure
Occupied private dwellings
People born in Serbia % People born in Serbia All birthplace responses % All birthplace responses Total % Total
Separate house 764 74.0 487,193 78.8 492,962 78.6
Semi-detached, row or terrace house, townhouse etc 164 15.9 73,095 11.8 74,518 11.9
Flat, unit or apartment 104 10.1 55,557 9.0 56,754 9.1
Other dwelling 0 0.0 2,504 0.4 2,584 0.4

These statistics are for occupied private dwellings in Greater Perth. For the dwellings that were occupied on census night by a person or persons who were born in Serbia, 74.0% were a separate house, 10.1% were a flat, unit or apartment, and 15.9% were a semi-detached, row or terrace house, townhouse etc.

Number of bedrooms
Occupied private dwellings
People born in Serbia % People born in Serbia All birthplace responses % All birthplace responses Total % Total
None (includes bedsitters) 7 0.7 1,590 0.3 1,643 0.3
1 bedroom 45 4.4 20,745 3.4 21,348 3.4
2 bedrooms 119 11.5 79,956 12.9 81,476 13.0
3 bedrooms 400 38.8 237,067 38.3 239,974 38.3
4 or more bedrooms 441 42.7 270,838 43.8 272,588 43.5
Number of bedrooms not stated 20 1.9 8,427 1.4 10,065 1.6

These statistics are for occupied private dwellings in Greater Perth. For the dwellings that were occupied on census night by a person or persons who were born in Serbia, 11.5% had two bedrooms, 38.8% had three bedrooms and 42.7% had four or more bedrooms.

Mortgage & rent

Mortgage and rent
Occupied private dwellings
People born in Serbia % People born in Serbia All birthplace responses % All birthplace responses Total % Total
Owned outright 269 26.0 181,140 29.3 183,887 29.3
Owned with a mortgage 491 47.5 248,136 40.1 249,504 39.8
Rented 243 23.5 170,710 27.6 172,800 27.6
Other tenure type 3 0.3 6,927 1.1 7,128 1.1
Tenure type not stated 28 2.7 11,709 1.9 13,776 2.2
Median monthly mortgage repayment 1,950 -- 2,000 -- 2,000 --
Median weekly rent paid 300 -- 320 -- 320 --

These statistics are for occupied private dwellings in Greater Perth. For the dwellings that were occupied on census night by a person or persons who were born in Serbia, 26.0% were owned outright, 47.5% were owned with a mortgage and 23.5% were rented. The median monthly mortgage repayment was $1,950 and the median weekly rent paid was $300.

Household composition

Household composition People born in Serbia % People born in Serbia All birthplace responses % All birthplace responses Total % Total
One family households 807 78.2 439,970 71.1 443,663 70.7
Multiple family households 42 4.1 8,713 1.4 8,755 1.4
Single (or lone) person households 158 15.3 143,531 23.2 148,016 23.6
Group households 25 2.4 26,408 4.3 26,663 4.3

All occupants of a private dwelling complete one census form and are counted as a household. 'People born in Serbia' includes households in Greater Perth where at least one person was born in Serbia. Of those households, 78.2% were one family households and 15.3% were lone person households.

Some values may have been adjusted to avoid release of confidential data. This may have a significant impact on the calculated percentages.