Mount Carbine (Mareeba Shire)

2006 Census All persons QuickStats
Geography type State Suburbs
Area code SSC36831
People 91
Male 53
Female 38
Families 27
All private dwellings (including unoccupied) 82
Occupied private dwellings 73

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Median and average values may be affected by confidentiality in this area.

Limited information has been provided because the area selected has a small population. In the 2006 Census, there were 91 people usually resident in Mount Carbine (Mareeba Shire). Of these, 53 were male and 38 were female.

There were 73 occupied private dwellings counted in Mount Carbine (Mareeba Shire) which included visitor only and other not-classifiable households.

The information contained in this QuickStat has been produced by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. It contains data from the 2006 Census of Population & Housing held on 9 August 2006. Some values may have been adjusted to avoid release of confidential data. These adjustments may have a significant impact on the calculated percentages in QuickStats. For more information refer to Introduced Random Error. For further enquiries contact the ABS National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070 |

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