Yam Island

2001 Census Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people QuickStats
Geography type Indigenous Areas
Area code IARE15020
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people 275
Male 150
Female 125

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demographics | cultural & language diversity | employment


People Yam Island % Yam Island Australia % Australia
Total Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people 275 80.9 410,003 2.2
Male 150 54.5 202,954 49.5
Female 125 45.5 207,049 50.5

On Census Night 7th August 2001 in Yam Island, 275 Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people were counted, 54.5% were male and 45.5% were female.

Yam Island % Yam Island Australia % Australia
0-4 years 42 15.3 52,861 12.9
5-14 years 89 32.4 108,069 26.4
15-24 years 52 18.9 75,220 18.3
25-54 years 76 27.6 146,270 35.7
55-64 years 10 3.6 16,146 3.9
65 years and over 10 3.6 11,437 2.8

On Census Night 2001 in Yam Island, of the Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people, there were 131 children aged 0-14 years and 20 people aged 55 years and over.

Cultural & language diversity

Selected characteristics Yam Island % Yam Island Australia % Australia
Australian Aboriginal Traditional Religion 0 0.0 4,993 1.2
Speaks Australian Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander languages 52 18.9 49,764 12.1

On Census Night 2001 in Yam Island, 0 Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people were of Australian Aboriginal Traditional Religion and 52 spoke Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander languages.


People aged 15 years and over
Yam Island % Yam Island Australia % Australia
Employed 93 100.0 100,393 80.0
Unemployed 0 0.0 25,044 20.0
Not in the labour force 44 -- 115,422 --
Total labour force (includes employed and unemployed people) 93 -- 125,437 --

During the week prior to Census Night 2001 in Yam Island, 93 Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people were in the labour force. Of these 100.0% were employed, 0.0% were unemployed and 44 were not in the labour force.

View the labour force fact sheet

Data for this QuickStat has been sourced from the 2001 Basic Community Profile catalogue No. 2001.0 and the 2001 Indigenous Profile catalogue No. 2002.0. Indigenous Statistics are only available for selected geographic areas. The information contained in this QuickStat has been produced by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. It contains data from the 2001 Census of Population & Housing held on 7 August 2001. Some values may have been adjusted to avoid release of confidential data. These adjustments may have a significant impact on the calculated percentages in QuickStats. For more information refer to Introduced Random Error. For further enquiries contact the ABS National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070 | www.abs.gov.au/census

Census Data Quality.