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A two-phase release strategy, similar to that of previous censuses, is in place for 2006 Census data. The strategy places priority on processing and disseminating those variables which are easily processed.
Person Variables
Age (AGEP)
Ancestry1 (ANC1P)
Ancestry2 (ANC2P)
Australian Citizenship (CITP)
Child Type (CTPP)
Core Activity Need for Assistance (ASSNP)
Country of Birth of Father (BPMP)
Country of Birth of Mother (BPFP)
Country of Birth of Person (BPLP)
Family/Household Reference Person Indicator (RPIP)
Full/Part-Time Student Status (STUP)
Highest Year of School Completed (HSCP)
Imputation Flag for Age (IFAGEP)
Imputation Flag for Place of Usual Residence (IFPURP)
Imputation Flag for Registered Marital Status (IFMSTP)
Indigenous Status (INGP)
Individual Income (weekly) (INCP)
Language Spoken at Home (LANP)
Number of Children Ever Born (TISP)
Place of Usual Residence (PURP)
Proficiency in Spoken English (ENGP)
Proficiency in Spoken English/Language (ENGPO1)
Registered Marital Status (MSTP)
Relationship in Household (RLHP)
Religious Affiliation (RELP)
Residential Status in a Non-Private Dwelling (RLNP)
Sex (SEXP)
Social Marital Status (MDCP)
Type of Educational Institution Attending (TYPP)
Unpaid Assistance to a Person with a Disability (UNCAREP)
Unpaid Child Care (CHCAREP)
Unpaid Domestic Work: Number of Hours (DOMP)
Usual Address Indicator Census Night (UAICP)
Voluntary Work for an Organisation or Group (VOLWP)
Year of Arrival in Australia (YARP)
Household/Dwelling Variables
Count of Persons Temporarily Absent from Household (CPAD)
Dwelling Location (DLOD)
Dwelling Structure (STRD)
Dwelling Type (DWTD)
Household Composition (HHCD)
Household Income (HIND)
Household Income as Stated (weekly) (HINASD)
Household Income Derivation Indicator (HIDD)
Housing Loan Repayments (monthly) dollar values (HLRD)
Housing Loan Repayments (monthly) ranges (HLRD01)
Imputation Flag for Number of Males and Females in Dwelling (IFNMFD)
Landlord Type (LLDD)
Number of Bedrooms in Private Dwelling (BEDD)
Number of Motor Vehicles (VEHD)
Rent (weekly) dollar values (RNTD)
Rent (weekly) ranges (RNTD01)
Tenure Type (TEND)
Type of Internet Connection (NEDD)
Type of Non-Private Dwelling (NPDD)
Family Variables
Count of Dependent Children Under 15 Temporarily Absent (CDCAF)
Count of Dependent Students (15 - 24) Temporarily Absent (CDSAF)
Count of Non-Dependent Children Temporarily Absent (CNDAF)
Count of Persons Temporarily Absent from Family (CPAF)
Family Blending (FBLF)
Family Composition (FMCF)
Family Income (FINF)
Family Income as Stated (FINASF)
Family Income Derivation Indicator (FIDF)
Family Number (FNOF)
Location of Spouse (SPLF)
Relationship Between Families (FRLF)
Person Variables
Community Development Employment Projects Participation (CDEP)
Employment Type (EMTP)
Government/ Non-Government Employer Indicator (GNGP)
Hours Worked (HRSP)
Industry of Employment (IND06P)
Labour Force Status (LFS06P)
Level of Highest Educational Attainment (HEAP)
Method of Travel to Work (MTWP)
Non-School Qualification: Field of Study (QALFP)
Non-School Qualification: Level of Education (QALLP)
Number of Employees (EMPP)
Occupation (OCC06P)
Place of Usual Residence Five Years Ago (PUR5P)
Place of Usual Residence One Year Ago (PUR1P)
Place of Work (POWP)
Usual Address Five Years Ago Indicator (UAI5P)
Usual Address One Year Ago Indicator (UAI1P)
Household/Dwelling Variables
Household Five Year Mobility Indicator (MV5D)
Household Income - Equivalised (HIED)
Household One Year Mobility Indicator (MV1D)