| Welcome
Includes: Update from the Director of ABS Mining Statistics Program
Highlights recent significant events and/or releases |
| Role of mining statistics
Includes: How ABS statistics feed into National Accounts and contribute to assessment of GDP
Lists the actions undertaken by the ABS to assess the strategic value of its mining statistics |
| Release of 2008-09 mining industry statistics
Includes: Notification of release of latest Mining publication
Outlines contents and presents highlights of the release |
| What's the latest in mining statistics
Includes: Highlights of latest mining industry indicators available from ABS and Geoscience Australia
Includes selected statistics on operational and financial performance, exploration expenditure, employment, income, etc |
| Australia's production and trade of minerals
Includes: Information about where the Australian mining industry stands, nationally and internationally
Provides broad facts about contribution to GDP, comparisons of resources of other mining nations and export markets. |
| Employment in the mining industry
Includes: Information on persons employed
Looks at employment at national and state levels |
| Selected ABS mining related statistical publications
Includes: A selection of ABS statistical publications relating to mining
Provides a brief outline of the content of each publication |
| Contacts
Includes: Information on who to contact in the ABS about Mining Statistics
Provides names and telephone numbers |