This publication presents results from an Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) survey of businesses involved in selected hire services. The survey was conducted in respect of the 2002-03 financial year.
The 2002-03 Hire Services Survey is the second ABS survey of plant hire and leasing, personal and household goods hiring and motor vehicle hiring services. Previous collections were conducted in respect of the 1999-2000 financial year for plant hire and household goods hire services and in respect of the 1991-92 financial year for motor vehicle hire services.
This survey has been designed to provide a measure of the performance and business structure of selected hire businesses operating in Australia. While comparisons are made between 2002-03 survey results and earlier iterations of the survey of plant hire and household goods hire, the survey has not been designed to provide highly accurate estimates of change, so any comparisons made to the previous survey should be used with caution. Historical comparisons are not made for motor vehicle hire due to significant changes since the conduct of the last survey in respect of 1991-92. For further information, see paragraphs 20-22 of the Explanatory Notes.
Information about ABS activities in the field of service industries statistics is available from the Service Industries Statistics theme page on this site. To access the theme page, select 'Themes' from the menu on the home page.
The ABS welcomes comments and suggestions from users regarding future surveys of Service Industries. These comments should be addressed to the Director, Service Industries Business Statistics Centre, Australian Bureau of Statistics, GPO Box 2796Y, Melbourne, Vic. 3001.
Where figures have been rounded, discrepancies may occur between the sum of component items and the total.
For further information about these and related statistics, contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070 or Marie Apostolou on Melbourne (03) 9615 7465.
This publication presents results of the 2002-03 Hire Services Survey. This survey was conducted by the ABS to provide a detailed measure of the performance and structure of selected hire services businesses operating in Australia. The main focus of the survey was on understanding the composition of the income generated by these businesses, details of expenses incurred, and the characteristics of hire rental. A state dimension is also presented.
This survey covered only a selection of hire/leasing services and these were: plant and equipment hiring; personal and household goods hiring; and motor vehicle hiring.
The survey scope for plant and equipment included employing businesses in Australia that generated income predominantly from plant hiring or leasing services. These services included the leasing, renting or hiring of industrial machinery, plant or equipment (except transport equipment) without operators, from stock physically held for that purpose. The scope was also extended to include businesses that generated income from the hiring/leasing of cranes with operators.
The scope for personal and household goods included employing businesses in Australia that generated income predominantly from personal and household goods hiring services. These services included the hiring of goods such as televisions, furniture, white goods, clothing and footwear, recreational equipment, computers or party hire/event/function/exhibition goods and equipment etc. The scope excluded video hire rentals.
The scope for motor vehicle included employing businesses in Australia that generated income predominantly from motor vehicle hiring and leasing services. These services included the hiring, leasing or renting of motor vehicles from own stocks, without drivers. Licensed taxi cabs or hire cars were excluded from the survey.
Chapter 1 contains summary information about selected hire services businesses. Chapter 2 presents statistics on plant and equipment hiring and leasing, chapter 3 presents statistics on personal and household goods hiring, while chapter 4 presents statistics on motor vehicle hiring and leasing.
For ease of reading: plant and equipment hiring and leasing is referred to as plant hire; personal and household goods hire is referred to as household goods hire; and motor vehicle hire and leasing is referred to as motor vehicle hire throughout this publication.
At the end of June 2003 there were 1,152 plant hire businesses with employment of 13,738 persons. These businesses generated $2,619.5m in income and incurred $2,273.2m in expenses during 2002-03.
Plant hire/leasing income was predominantly generated from commercial clients (84.8%).
The total industry value added (IVA) by plant hire businesses was $1,505.8m contributing the equivalent of 0.2% to Australian Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for 2002-03.
There were 495 household goods hire businesses with employment of 4,222 persons at the end of June 2003. These businesses generated $359m in income and incurred $340.4m in expenses during 2002-03.
Commercial clients (48.7%) were the main source of income generated from the hiring of goods, followed closely by household clients (44.9%).
The total IVA by household goods hire businesses was $203.2m contributing the equivalent of 0.03% to Australian GDP for 2002-03.
Employment totalled 6,796 people within 375 motor vehicle hire businesses at the end of June 2003. These businesses generated $2,003.8m in income and incurred $1,837.2m in expenses during 2002-03.
Over half of motor vehicle hire income was earned from household clients (51.1%), followed by commercial clients (36.8%). Government clients accounted for 10.9% of this income.
The total IVA by motor vehicle hire businesses was $1,223.3m contributing the equivalent of 0.2% to Australian GDP for 2002-03.
|  |
 |  |  | Plant hire | Household goods hire | Motor vehicle hire |  |
|  |
Businesses at end June | no. | 1,152 | 495 | 375 |  |
Premises at end June |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Capital city | no. | 1,228 | ^508 | 535 |  |
 | Other | no. | ^534 | ^215 | 514 |  |
 | Total | no. | 1,762 | 723 | 1,049 |  |
Employment at end June | no. | 13,738 | 4,222 | 6,796 |  |
Income |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Hire/leasing/rental | $m | 2,216.6 | 323.7 | 938.6 |  |
 | Other | $m | 403.0 | 35.2 | (a)1,065.2 |  |
 | Total | $m | 2,619.5 | 359.0 | 2,003.8 |  |
Expenses |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Labour costs | $m | 721.6 | 126.9 | 251.3 |  |
 | Depreciation and amortisation | $m | 324.6 | 41.6 | 539.2 |  |
 | Other | $m | 1,227.0 | 171.9 | 1,046.7 |  |
 | Total | $m | 2,273.2 | 340.4 | 1,837.2 |  |
Operating profit before tax | $m | 350.9 | ^19.6 | 168.8 |  |
Operating profit margin | % | 13.5 | 5.5 | 8.8 |  |
Industry value added | $m | 1,505.8 | 203.2 | 1,223.3 |  |
Hire service income from(b) |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Household clients | % | 5.7 | 44.9 | 51.1 |  |
 | Commercial businesses | % | 84.8 | 48.7 | 36.8 |  |
 | Government organisations | % | 7.4 | 6.1 | 10.9 |  |
 | Other clients | % | ^2.1 | ^0.3 | 1.2 |  |
 | Total | % | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0 |  |
|  |
^ estimate has a relative standard error of 10% to less than 25% and should be used with caution |
(a) Included income from operating leases of motor vehicles. |
(b) Income from type of client as a percentage of hire/rental income. |