The survey was conducted throughout Victoria in October 1986, as a supplement to the Australia-wide Monthly Population survey.
Information was collected on type of assistance, main reason for assistance, whether formal or informal assistance, frequency of assistance, source of assistance, home maintenance tasks, transport (source of assistance and destination), and unmet need by category of need. Socio-demographic variables include: household type, age group (elderly population only), sex and birthplace (5 categories). Geographic definition is at Melbourne Statistical Division and Rest of Victoria level.
The tasks included were meals, laundry, housework, gardening, mowing, home maintenance, and transport. Information was also collected about nursing, personal, and paramedical care received within the home. The survey ascertained the number of household members who had been an in-patient in a hospital or nursing home during the 12 months prior to interview. Information was obtained from all households regarding the need for assistance and care.
The User Guide provides sufficient information to enable analysis of the CURF. It provides detailed documentation describing data on the CURF and describes issues that may affect analysis, such as weighting.