The 1997 Giving to Charities - Population Survey Monitor CURF consists of two files.
One file contains data on 12,374 persons aged 18 years or more including age, sex, marital status, birthplace, labour force status, occupation and qualifications, income, major activity of those not in the labour force, the donation of money and goods in the months prior to interview and membership of organisations. The file also contains, attached to each statistical record, data on household and dwelling characteristics for the 12,374 sample households including the number of persons aged 18 years and over, age of the eldest dependent, household family type, household income, number of persons employed in the household, the dwelling structure and nature of occupancy.
The second file contains data on 5,248 donations of goods in the three months prior to interview. Data includes age, sex, marital status, birthplace, labour force status, occupation and qualifications, income and major activity of those not in the labour force of the donor and the type and quantity of the good donated.