Type of Internet Connection (NEDD)
The 2001 Census was the first Census to seek information on Internet use. There was a question which asked for each person, did they use the Internet in the last week before the Census, either at home, at work or elsewhere.
For the 2006 Census, this topic has been reviewed and the question now relates to the dwelling rather than to the person. For 2006 the question asks, 'Can the Internet be accessed at this dwelling?'.
The question also asks for the type of connection. The options include:
- 'Broadband connection', this includes ADSL, Cable, Wireless and Satellite connection,
- 'Dial-up connection', this includes analog modem and ISDN connections, and
- 'Other', this includes Internet access through mobile phones, set-top boxes, games machines or connections other than dial-up or broadband.