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Appendix 6.6 - Legal Services Expenditure
Appendix 6.6 - Legal Services Expenditure
Paragraph 11.1 (ba) of the Legal Services Directions 2005 (issued by the Attorney-General under section 55ZF of the Judiciary Act 1903) requires the ABS to make records of its legal services expenditure available, for the previous financial year, to the public.
For the period 1 July 2007 to 30 June 2008, legal services expenditure by the Australian Bureau of Statistics is shown in the following table.
Appendix Table 6.6A : Legal services expenditure 2007-08
Expenditure for services provided by: | Legal Services Consultants ($) | Other legal expenses ($) | Property advice legal fees ($) | Total ($) |
The Australian Government Solicitor | 10,818.45 | 684,695.38 | 51,157.49 | 746,671.32 |
Other legal services providers | 22,911.35 | 19,808.29 | 49,882.28 | 92,601.92 |
 |  |  | Total | 839,273.24 |
Correction - in the ABS' Annual Report 2006-07, the expenditure for legal services did not include legal fees associated with property advice. Corrected tables for 2006-07 and 2005-06 are included below. |
Appendix Table 6.6B : Legal services expenditure 2006-07 (revised)
Expenditure for services provided by: | Legal Services Consultants ($) | Other legal expenses ($) | Property advice legal fees ($) | Total ($) |
The Australian Government Solicitor | 111,935.36 | 277,165.75 | 50,411.30 | 439,512.41 |
Other legal services providers | Nil | 755.00 | 17,853.85 | 18,608.85 |
 |  |  | Total | 458,121.26 |
Appendix Table 6.6C : Legal services expenditure 2005-06 (revised)
Expenditure for services provided by | Legal Services Consultants ($) | Other legal expenses
($) | Property advice legal fees ($) | Total
The Australian Government Solicitor | 33,478.61 | 48,728.96 | 3,931.90 | 86,139.47 |
Other legal services providers | 14,009.00 | 8,546.00 | 122,893.88 | 145,448.88 |
 |  |  | Total | 231,588.35 |