The Business Longitudinal Analysis Data Environment (BLADE) combines administrative, business tax and survey data to provide a better understanding of the characteristics of Australian businesses and the economy. The data is used to study how businesses fare over time and the factors that drive performance, innovation, job creation, competitiveness and productivity.
BLADE detailed microdata
The BLADE microdata contains approximately 9.3 million records, which represent all businesses that have been active at one time in the Australian economy over the period 2001-02 to 2018-19 and are in the scope of the ABS's Business Register. This frame (list of all businesses) data is created by integrating datasets from the ABS, Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and other agencies. The specific sources used to create BLADE are:
- ABS Business Register
- Business Activity Statement
- Pay As You Go
- Business Income Tax
- Business Characteristics Survey
- Management Capabilities Module
- Economic Activity Survey
- Business Expenditure on Research and Development
- Private Non-Profit Expenditure on Research and Development
- Survey of Research and Experimental Development, Government
- Intellectual Property Australia: Intellectual Property Longitudinal Research Data
- Department of Home Affairs: Merchandise Trade Data
Businesses in Australia, 2018-19
The Businesses in Australia, 2018-19 TableBuilder product contains approximately 3 million records, which represent all businesses active in the Australian economy in the financial year 2018-19. This data is drawn from the large BLADE detailed microdata product. It contains a subset of data items covering key demographic and economic information.