Media Releases by Catalogue Number

Show details for 1. General1. General
Show details for 2. Census of Population and Housing2. Census of Population and Housing
Show details for 3. Demography3. Demography
Show details for 4. Social Statistics4. Social Statistics
Show details for 46. Environment46. Environment
Show details for 5. National Accounts, International Trade and Finance5. National Accounts, International Trade and Finance
Hide details for 6. Labour Statistics and Prices6. Labour Statistics and Prices
Hide details for 61. Labour statistics - general61. Labour statistics - general
6102.0Explaining Australia's labour statistics on-line (Media Release)2001
6105.0Australian Bureau of Statistics releases new labour force market publication (Media Release)Apr 2003
6105.0Two key articles on the australian labour market ... out today (Media Release)Jul 2004
6150.0.55.001Labour Account: Filled jobs grew by 2.7% in 2015-16 (Media Release)July 2017
6150.0.55.003932,000 jobs lost between the March and June quarters (Media Release)June 2020
6150.0.55.003Falls in jobs and hours in the March quarter (Media Release)March 2020
6150.0.55.003Half of the recent increase in jobs were secondary jobs (Media Release)September 2018
6150.0.55.003Jobs grow while hours decline in June 2018 (Media Release)June 2018
6150.0.55.003Jobs growth continues in June quarter 2019 (Media Release)June 2019
6150.0.55.003New annual jobs data for 80 different industries (Media Release)September 2018
6150.0.55.003Over a million professional and scientific jobs (Media Release)September 2017
6150.0.55.003Professional and scientific jobs grew in December 2019 (Media Release)December 2019
6150.0.55.003Secondary jobs top one million (Media Release)December 2018
6150.0.55.003Slowing growth in filled jobs (Media Release)March 2019
6150.0.55.003Strongest jobs growth: Health care and social assistance (Media Release)September 2019
6160.01 in 4 people under 30 work multiple jobs (Media Release)2011-12 to 2016-17
6160.0New insights into local labour markets (Media Release)2011-12 to 2015-16
6160.0.55.001Further falls in payroll jobs in Victoria (Media Release)Week ending 8 August 2020
6160.0.55.001Gradual recovery in payroll jobs continues (Media Release)Week ending 13 June 2020
6160.0.55.001Interactive map shows impact of COVID-19 on local jobs (Media Release)Week ending 30 May 2020
6160.0.55.001Loss of payroll jobs greatest in Victoria (Media Release)Week ending 11 July 2020
6160.0.55.001One third of Accommodation & food services jobs lost (Media Release)Week ending 18 April 2020
6160.0.55.001Payroll job losses at 5.7 per cent at the end of June (Media Release)Week ending 27 June 2020
6160.0.55.001Payroll jobs continue to fall in Victoria (Media Release)Week ending 25 July 2020
6160.0.55.001People under 20 experience the largest drop in jobs (Media Release)Week ending 4 April 2020
6160.0.55.001Recovery in payroll jobs continued through May (Media Release)Week ending 30 May 2020
6160.0.55.001Slowdown in COVID-19 job losses (Media Release)Week ending 2 May 2020
6160.0.55.001Slowing fall in Victorian payroll jobs (Media Release)Week ending 22 August 2020
Show details for 62. Labour force62. Labour force
Show details for 63. Earnings, hours and employment conditions63. Earnings, hours and employment conditions
Show details for 64. Prices64. Prices
Show details for 65. Consumer income and expenditure65. Consumer income and expenditure
Show details for 66. Labour force66. Labour force
Show details for 7. Agriculture7. Agriculture
Show details for 8. Secondary Industry and Distribution8. Secondary Industry and Distribution
Show details for 84. Mining84. Mining
Show details for 89. Other Agencies' Products89. Other Agencies' Products
Show details for 9. Transport9. Transport