What you thought about our products
To help us design a Census output product range that best suits your needs we conducted a series of on-line surveys to find out what you thought of the 2006 Census products and how we could make them even better for the 2011 Census. Thanks to everyone who contributed feedback and ideas.
We found that:
- most of you found the Census data you were looking for most of the time
- the ABS website was complex to navigate your way around and you needed to know which product you wanted to use in order to get the data you needed
- the most common usage of Census data was to help develop and evaluate Government policies or to assist in private consultancy services
- the most popular method of count was place of usual residence
- CData Online and TableBuilder are great but we need to improve system reliability, performance and make them easier to use
- product release dates were not met and we did not communicate these delays.
Your feedback has helped us define the main areas that we need to improve the Census output program for 2011. These include:
- ensuring that 2011 Census data and products are available when we promise and clearly communicate any unavoidable changes well in advance
- making it easier to find Census data and products through an improved ABS website experience
- transforming our online data products like TableBuilder so they are faster, easier to use and more reliable.