2011 Census Dictionary
What is it?
The Census Dictionary (cat no 2901.0) is the one stop information resource that describes the full range of data collected in the Census. It details the data items available, the classifications used in coding responses and how you can access the data.
It is available by clicking on the
next to a chosen topic when using Census on-line products or directly from the ABS Website.
What does it include?
The Dictionary will:
- have a full list of all output data items and associated classifications including new output items for 2011
- be designed for the web with intuitive search functionality
- not be available for purchase as a paper publication from the ABS but you will be able to print a copy from the website
- have links to products where you can find the data.
It will also have a comprehensive glossary which will contain:
- definitions of Census terms
- explanations of the Census collection concepts
- explanations of data processing and data output
- explanations of geographic concepts.
What's new?
- It will have improved navigation and be easier to search.
- There will be links to data quality reports which describe any data quality issues associated with collection and processing of the data items.
- There will be links to the products where the data item is available.
- The dictionary will also include sample copies of the 2011 Census forms for viewing and download.
Who is it for?
Anyone who wants to know more information about what data will be available from the Census.
When will it be available?
The Census Dictionary will be available from the ABS website in May 2011.