The Australian Capital Region (ACR) comprises the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), and the South Eastern Statistical Division (SD) and Tumut Shire (A) Statistical Local Area (SLA) of New South Wales (NSW).
SLAs are based on the boundaries of incorporated bodies of local government where these exist. These bodies are the Local Government Councils and the geographical areas that they administer are known as Local Government Areas (LGAs).
A LGA may contain one SLA or aggregate several SLAs.
According to the 2006 edition of the Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC) (cat. no. 1216.0), the South Eastern SD is comprised of the following LGAs and SLAs - names followed by (C) refer to Cities, while those followed by (A) refer to other Areas:
The Canberra-Queanbeyan Statistical District (S Dist) is an important urban planning area of the ACR. Under the 2006 ASGC, this district includes the Canberra SD, and the NSW SLAs of Palerang (A) - Pt A and Queanbeyan (C).
Changes from 2005 ASGC
The 2006 edition of the ASGC detailed several changes to the geographic boundaries of SLAs within the ACR. In these changes:
- Cooma-Monaro (A) was created from all of Cooma-Monaro (A) - Pt A and all of Cooma-Monaro (A) - Pt B; and
- Yass Valley (A) was created from all of Yass Valley (A) - Pt A and all of Yass Valley (A) - Pt B.
The size of the Canberra-Queanbeyan S Dist was also reduced from the 2005 ASGC by the transfer of Yass Valley (A) - Pt A to Yass Valley (A) and Cooma-Monaro (A) - Pt A to Cooma-Monaro (A).
Area and population density
At 30 June 2006, the ACR covered a total area of 58,587.5 km2, with a population density of 9.4 persons per km2.
The total area for the Canberra-Queanbeyan S Dist was 2,341.7 km2, with a population density of 162.9 persons per km2. The Canberra-Queanbeyan S Dist comprised 4% of the total area of the ACR.
Of all SLAs within the ACR, Upper Lachlan (A) covered the largest area at 7,101.5 km2 (12% of the total ACR). This was followed by Bega Valley (A) (6,277.6 km2, or 11% of the ACR) and Snowy River (A) (6,029.2 km2, or 10% of the ACR). Goulburn Mulwaree (A) - Goulburn had the smallest area with 55.5 km2.
Goulburn Mulwaree (A) - Goulburn was the most densely populated NSW SLA within the ACR, with 379.5 persons per km2. Queanbeyan (C) followed with 219.8 persons per km2. Bombala (A), Boorowa (A) and Palerang (A) - Pt B were the least densely populated SLAs within the ACR, with 0.7, 0.9 and 0.9 persons per km2, respectively.
15.2 Australian Capital Region (a), Area and population density - 30 June 2006 |
|  |
 |  | Estimated resident population(b) | Area | Population density |  |
Statistical Local Area | no. | km2 | persons per km2 |  |
|  |
Canberra-Queanbeyan Statistical District (S Dist) |  |  |  |  |
 | Canberra Statistical Division (SD) | 333 940 | 808 | 413.4 |  |
 | Palerang (A) - Pt A | 9 572 | 1 362 | 7.0 |  |
 | Queanbeyan (C) | 37 885 | 172 | 219.8 |  |
 | Total | 381 397 | 2 342 | 162.9 |  |
Bega Valley (A) | 32 429 | 6 278 | 5.2 |  |
Bombala (A) | 2 645 | 3 944 | 0.7 |  |
Boorowa (A) | 2 390 | 2 579 | 0.9 |  |
Cooma-Monaro (A) | 10 166 | 5 229 | 1.9 |  |
Eurobodalla (A) | 36 595 | 3 422 | 10.7 |  |
Goulburn Mulwaree (A) - Goulburn | 21 060 | 56 | 379.8 |  |
Goulburn Mulwaree (A) Bal | 6 217 | 3 165 | 2.0 |  |
Harden (A) | 3 725 | 1 869 | 2.0 |  |
Palerang (A) - Pt B | 3 341 | 3 772 | 0.9 |  |
Snowy River (A) | 7 554 | 6 029 | 1.3 |  |
Tumut Shire (A) | 11 260 | 4 566 | 2.5 |  |
Upper Lachlan (A) | 7 347 | 7 102 | 1.0 |  |
Yass Valley (A) | 13 747 | 3 999 | 3.4 |  |
Young (A) | 12 488 | 2 694 | 4.6 |  |
Total Australian Capital Region(c) | 552 646 | 58 588 | 9.4 |  |
|  |
(a) Estimates are based on the 2006 Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC) boundaries. |
(b) Preliminary rebased estimates based on the 2006 Census. |
(c) Includes the Australian Capital Territory - Bal Statistical Division. |
Regional Population Growth, Australia, 1996 to 2006 (cat. no. 3218.0), Data cubes. |